3 Squirrel Hunting Tips

3 Squirrel Hunting Tips

Sep 14, 2021

Before you start hunting for squirrels, it is important that you take time to find out the rules and regulations that govern this kind of activity in your preferred area.

1. What type of weapon should you use?

Choose the weapon that you are most comfortable with. A .22 rifle is ideal for use in a feeding or den area because it makes a relatively low noise when fired. It is long range and with high precision, thus, allowing you to hit targets that are much farther away. It also destroys less meat than a shotgun. Another advantage of a.22 rifle is that it also enables you to make a quick follow up shot. The shotgun that is best suited for squirrel hunting is a.410 which is relatively more quiet than the ordinary shotgun. However, after firing a shotgun, it takes an average of 30 to 40 minutes for the squirrels to return to that place so it is advisable that you move to a new location first to increase the number of squirrels bagged.

2. Where should you hunt?

Squirrels are found in most places but there are places that have higher concentrations of squirrels. Creeks are the best places to find squirrels.

3. When should you hunt?

Early season

During the early season, nuts are yet to fall to the ground and you may spend a very long time waiting for a squirrel to come to the ground also. There is plenty of food available making it highly unlikely that you will come across a huge concentration of squirrels at one place. Stalking, still hunting and steady walk are the best strategies for hunting during this season. Stalking and still hunting require you to spend more time motionless while looking out for squirrels. The brisk walk method suggests that you walk briskly while shooting at moving squirrels. The advantage of brisk walk is that squirrels tend to show less fear of a person walking briskly with a seemingly harmless intention. Squirrel calling also attracts squirrels and can be used to increase your chances of bagging more squirrels when combined with stalking.

Mid season

During mid season, sitting can produce good results if you know the right place to sit and wait. Such a place can be identified by the presence of squirrel food such as nuts and corn. During this season, food is scarce and squirrels tend to congregate where there is some food left so finding a tree that still has nuts is a sure way of spotting some squirrels. Locating dens is also another sure way of getting a squirrel. Once you have identified a suitable location, then all you have to do is to look for a hiding place and wait.

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