I’m Joseph Lavoie, creator of BeerCraftr. If you want to make quality craft beer at home but don’t know where to start, I’m here to help.
BeerCraftr is for anyone who loves beer and wants to learn how to make amazing craft beer in the comfort of their kitchen.
A long time ago I put off my interest in making beer because it sounded intimidating. It would require a huge investment in equipment; I’d need a lot of space, and there was probably no chance in hell I’d ever make a good beer. I was wrong, on all fronts!
If you have a kitchen, a stock pot, and some basic equipment, you can get brewing this weekend. I wish I knew how easy it was, and that I could make good beer without sacrificing on ingredients or flavour.
My mission is to help you discover how easy it is to make amazing beer.
Recent supporters

David Johns bought a beer.
Thank you for your Beercraft report guide. I read it from front page to back and enjoyed the reading. I researched further on the subject by viewing videos. However, after viewing the videos I determined that beer making in my own little apartment wasn't suitable. But thanks for the experience of getting to know beercraftr wonders. I appreciate having got to read it. And I'm happy to buy you a beer!

Meckanic@att.net bought a beer.

Jacqueline bought a beer.
Hello Joseph,
I hope you're well. My name is Jacqueline Williams and I'm looking to interview beer brewing experts for a research project. I'm pursuing an MSc in Human-Computer Interaction Design at City, University of London and would like to chat with you about your experience and expertise for an Information Architecture study.
If interested, please email me back at jacqueline.williams.jw21@gmail.com
Looking forward to hearing from you!

Cosimo bought 3 beers.

Someone bought a beer.