Becca Guy
4 supporters
Warm welcome :)

Warm welcome :)

Apr 24, 2023

I want to extend the warmest welcome to anyone checking out my buy me a coffee (/tea- always tea 🍵) page 😊

I've created this as a way for any listeners of the Missing Peace Podcast, or followers of my Substack to support my sharings in probably the best way possible- through buying me a good old brew.

If you listen you'll know that I'm often recording with a brew in hand, blessing your ears with a schlurp of the good stuff.

Your support means so much and allows me to continue doing what I do (srsly, cafe's are where I get most of my inspiration), so THANKYOU! xx

Ps. If you've randomly landed on here and want to check out more, then the links are below for you to explore (poet and I know it):

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