Somatic Yoga updates

Oct 04, 2024

Dear friends

Sending this out a little earlier than usual as I am doing a cover class at the Peak tomorrow morning - I'll be covering 10am yoga in studio 3, so do pop in and say hi if you are a member! We'll be doing some fun functional mobility work for shoulders and hips followed by a lungy flow and some reclined stretches.

Somatic Yoga is on at The Yoga Tree next Monday as usual. Our theme next week, continuing our series on Move into Joy, will be generating heat and improving circulation. Do join us in studio at 6pm, or online. You can book here, and here for online.

Meanwhile, how about taking half an hour over the weekend to try this short class I released on YouTube all about your fascia - these lovely oscillating stretches will bring ease and relief to tight muscles and would be perfect after a stressful week:

And a reminder that booking is open for Soma on Sunday 27th October 10.30-12.30 in the Yoga Tree. This month Soma will be all about the spine - looking at functional mobility, somatic yoga practices, and postural work for more flexibility and pain relief. Spaces are limited so please book in advance if you would like to come.

That's all for now, but if you would like to catch up with the rest of my practice offerings do read and subscribe to my full newsletter here.

Have a great weekend

Francesca x

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