The King is Electric

The King is Electric

Dec 28, 2021

Hello internet readers. So today we are going to talk about an outstanding blues artist and his legacy.

Texas born and considered one of the "Three Kings of the Blues Guitar" (along with Albert King and B.B. King ( not related). He is best known for his soulful and powerful voice and distinctive guitar playing during the 1950's, 60's, and 70's. He is American singer-songwriter and musician Freddie King. His impact on Electric Blues music is immeasurable and influential on scores of later generational blues and rock musicians.

He was among many pioneering American blues musicians to embrace the British blues scene and tour its club circuit in the late 1960s. In addition, he was posthumously inducted to the Blues Hall of Fame 1982, and the Rock Hall of Fame 2012. On December 28th 1976, King passed away at the young age of 42 and was laid to rest in Dallas Texas.

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