Once you figure out your own framework for growing mushrooms, all the tasks needed appear easier than when you were trying each task out for the first time. When you’re new, you tend to be always “catching up” with what needs to be done, rather than knowing exactly what needs to be done tomorrow, next week, or even next month. You then might realize, “Oh, I just have to do 5 big moves to g...
2nd Week Thoughts on the 6 Week Mushroom Growing Challenge
Apr 06, 2024
On March 21st, I set up a challenge for myself to grow Lion's Mane mushrooms in a 6-week timeframe, ending May 2nd. I estimated 2 weeks for the mushroom culture to fully grow in a grain jar, which always starts the mushroom growing process. But it's 10 days in and I can barely see any growth whatsoever! There may be three reasons for this delay, and all three of them are my fault. First, I was ver...
Day 11: Held Up By Two Variables (And a Third Reason)
Mar 31, 2024