The Journey

The Journey

Nov 02, 2022

Sometimes in life you get dried out and unbalanced.  You feel off-centered and your thought life is convoluted.  The days fly by and you feel like you're waiting to pump the gas.  You watch other people and even think about being in their shoes.  I had many heroes growing up who inspired me, but I was never envious or jealous of them.  As I got older I experienced envy.  I didn't even know I was embracing that envy.  However, when I finally realized envy in my experience, I actively tried to let it go.

Being inspired by someone is the best alternative to wishing you had anything belonging to them.  I have a belief and a mindset that everything which belongs to me is already mine, so there is no need to wish having what someone else possesses.  George St-Pierre once fought his idol, Matt Hughes, in the UFC. St.Pierre lost in his first match.  He attributed this loss to having too much respect for his idolized opponent.  I don't imagine he experienced envy, but perhaps in some way or another the desire to have the championship belt was attributed to possession, conjuring up elements of envy.

I suppose this example is a unique one in that the only way to acquire the UFC champion belt would be to take it from Matt Hughes possession.  After the loss George had a rematch and won, and I would attribute this to the fact that he wasn't attempting to take the championship belt from Matt Hughes, he was trying to be the greatest martial artist who ever lived.  His idols included Bruce Lee and Bruce Lee was never in pursuit of a trophy or a belt.  Being the best belongs to no one . . . Maybe in some cases it is destiny . . . But overall I like to imagine everyone has the potential to be the best at something.  There are so many choices for an attempt at mastery!

Often times we imagine the destination in hopes of acquiring like some kind of goal.  We fantasize about driving a Lamborghini or walking up to our Giant home.  Lately I've been trying to imagine each step of the process as I go.  These days more than ever in my life it feels like what I imagine in the immediate present happens right away.  It's uncanny to such an extent that I've been in disbelief many times when I receive my pursuit immediately.  Somehow I trained myself not to have faith regarding what I hope for in a short period of time, namely the same day.  I almost always achieve what I'm attempting to do, so I feel like all I need to do is believe it.  Instead of thinking about it actually happening, I try to meditate on the process toward my aim.

In the meantime, shoot for the stars when you think of a destination, but imagine the next few steps in clusters when you imagine the journey.  A lot of the big goals I had in my life were always far off destinations. The journey remained unimagined.  Just like coming up with a plan and then working the plan you can imagine the journey getting you to where you've been trying to arrive.   And that arrival will come and go.  So why focus on a point?  Think of your goal as a moment in time to pause and reflect. Sometimes we get caught up in the moment and don't realize how quickly the moment passes us by, unrelished. 

It's pretty easy to get caught up in the moment when you're gambling.  Win or lose, always take another moment to reflect.  That countdown timer is your worst enemy.  At every opportunity, play a game allowing you all the time you need to make decisions without pressure.  Stress can clog your mind and keep you from making the best choices.  Pause if you need to clear your head, and if you can't refocus then live to fight another day.

If you are winning gambling or in The Game of Life, there is absolutely no rush to recover what seems like a loss.  Even two steps forward one step back can get you where you're aiming in a very short time.  Trust your framework and trust the process you have imagined.  Want to break out of your framework you are improvising.  I am off for plan B, but best to implement it as a contingency, rather than a seam of the pants flight!  What will you do if you run into adversity?  Stop loss or redirect . . . I don't get yourself on tilt or a negative mindset.  You should always be enjoying life because you're the main character in the book that is your story.  Do you want to reminisce about the time when you were stressed out of your mind and got lucky, or do you want to recall making great decisions and overcoming every obstacle with a clear head?  

Create your path in your mind and imagine what you will do when you come to a fork in the road.  Just because you imagine there's a fork doesn't mean it's inevitable . . . But hope for the best and plan for the worst.  The worst will not necessarily happen, but neither will it catch you by surprise!  Stay on your toes and imagine the best.

Good luck.  

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