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Dan Scott bought 5 coffees.

Jake bought a coffee.
What does Dr. Glidden recommend for parasite cleanse? For humans and pets.
Hi Jake. He has a protocol on his site. I also will ask him on the next live next Thursday. He is in TX right now at a conference. There's also a spray I got from Dr. Monzo's office, meaning you have to call his office to order it, called ParAway for my family. I've also used very small amounts of the traditional parasite killer, Distilled Pine Gum Resin AKA Turpentine Oil from Georgia Pine.

Thanks Daniel. No audio on your video, but I'll check out what Monzo has. I take the Freedom Cleanse Dr Ardis recommends and it is definitely making my bloating and tiredness symptoms go away which I thought could be a parasite. I never actually got tested for that, but like Ardis says, "if you have pets then you have parasites." Really just looking for something for my small dogs now.
That's weird. I have no idea what is wrong with this computer. I could hear myself over the mic. No reason for it not to play the audio, but you're right. As far as Dr Ardis, I'm not sure what that product or his approach is, but he uses synthetic vitamins in a lot of his supplements. Yeah, you're better off, I wouldn't spend that much money on a test to learn the first name of a potential parasite. If you find the relief to be temporary, follow Dr Glidden's protocol on his site. Otherwise it could be something else, like not enough nutrients, or too much of a nutrient throwing you off balance with the rest of your nutrition. If you strengthen the body with the essentials it will make it inhospitable for fungal infections to grow, and most parasites will go away. Do you eat a lot of sugar/corn syrup? Or any of the 12 Bad Foods? Those can cause unhealthy bacteria to thrive inside you, especially the grains.

I take the 90 essentials, osteo fx, gluco-gel, efa plus and the plant minerals from youngevity. I didn't see beer on the 12 bad foods list, but I'm sure I probably drink too many of those. Parasites probably like beer too. Is Gliddens the full moon cleanse? I have the products for that too, but they taste horrible even if you follow the protocol. I just haven't heard any of the NPs mention anything to get ride of parasites in pets although I assume ivermectin does the trick. It cost a lot at the vet though and it's just 2 doses. First does kills them then wait 14 days for Parasite eggs to hatch and give them the second does is what vet said.Thanks Daniel! Your show rocks! I'm gonna buy some of your creatine and hot sauce when I'm out of mine. Looks like good stuff.
I used to get IVM from Tijuana for a long time, $10 per box of 4, 3g pills. I stopped after learning that it too is a poison. It can make cats blind, and if that's based on size of the organism, I wouldn't give to young children. I have my own views as to its safety that aren't shared by many, but the drug companies don't just fund msm, they fund alt media, too and Ivermectin is a little too marketed to us for it to really be suppressed.

Yeah, I wouldn't doubt that. Well if you ever hear of anything that can be used on small dogs, let me know. Thanks.

Hey Daniel, My wife and I just had our first baby. I know you said you had a little girl too. Any advice on a good baby formula? Has Dr. Glidden or any of the other doctors mentioned any?Thanks,Jake

Jake bought a coffee.
Hi Daniel,
My question for Dr Glidden is derived from your friend Dr Monzos "What is in the Matrix" presentation on Rumble from last yesr. He says Vit C derived from ascorbic acid is bad since it takes much needed copper out of your ceruloplasmin (blood). Monzo claims that Rockefeller paid Linus Pauling to make ascorbic acid the number 1 form of Vit C instead of natural Vit C.
Monzo also says Vit D derived from cholecalciferol is bad and is actually poisonous to your body. He claims it is the same ingredient in rat poison.
Both of these are in yougevity essential 90 which I take daily along with the Plant and Mineral complex and other yougevity products.
What is your opinion on ascorbic acid and cholecalciferol?
Thank you,