794 sostenitori
Sunday 4 February 2024 9:00 AM EST

Sunday 4 February 2024 9:00 AM EST

Jan 31, 2024

Dawn | Bluewater Family

Invites You to



Patience, Part I/III

Sunday, 4 February 2024—9am EST, 6am PST, 15h00 CET


At 15 minutes before the hour, Nathan will do a card reading for the group.

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Series Overview

As we are all anticipating the up-coming Flash event, our intention is to transmute residual negative looping programs and pull and remove all shackles tying us to the 3D+ Matrix by clearing, any and all, out-moded and mis-informed egos, belief systems, patterns, attachments, addictions, etc. bubbling to the surface. Moreover, while the 5D+ Timeline is already here for us to enter in and anchor in, our Sins (anything that separates and prevents us from connecting with Source Energy) must be conquered so to live in the present and feel the flow of Oneness and completeness in our lives. Similar to our recent series, we will continue to take a deeper dive  of transmuting false and convoluted conceptions of Sin, Enlightenment, and Ascension. As members of humanity, each individual has been freed to alter their course by separating from the Outward Material world, to an Inward journey of returning to our Original Divine Blueprint, and Source Energy connection. This transmutation, one-by-one, crumbles the False Creation of the 3D+Matrix.

During this process, we will continue to clear out our Timelines (Individual, DNA/RNA, Ancestral, as well as, Historical and Ancestral).

Overview of Part I

So to free ourselves, as well as, clear and continue our evolutionary journey, Part I focus' by doing a Deeper Dive into Patience

We will focus on the following:

—DNA/RNA Strands and Timelines

—Ancestral Timelines

—Historical Timelines, and 

—Historical and Ancestral Timelines

Moreover, we will clear our participants and huManity so to return to the true alignment of the Kryst Consciousness and Divine Conscious Love.

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Individual Remote Sessions |

Unit Price for Attending ESSENTIALS TRANSITIONING INTO THE FLASH | $30 or 6 Buy Me A Coffees

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Pay Via . . .

Bluewater’s BuyMeACoffee Link

Bluewater’s Paypal Link

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 


If you can not afford to pay for these sessions—or

If you require a reduced payment, please

Contact Bluewater through his Buy Me A Coffee Account


Your pets are welcome!  There is a special healing for all pets in attendance, as well as, all souls who request to be included.


Plan B

In the event that Bluewater’s communication channels to send you the 

Zoom link are compromised—


[email protected] 

Disclaimer | As a result of unforeseen circumstances in the 

coming weeks, dates and time are subject to change.

For any questions or inquiries contact Nathan.

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