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Christian21 Information and revelations ...

Christian21 Information and revelations Part 10

Dec 17, 2023

Christian21 Information and revelations

A brief synopsis Part -10 -By :Leon-George: Sinclair

The Martian colony isn’t quite what we thought – we saw lots of films and series about what Mars looks like….we all know what the Martian Rover beams back from the surface of a spinning planet sitting between Earth and Jupiter, 4th planet from the sun, there’s little water there and some ice at the poles, maybe some rivers under the surface and apparently some insects live there and some SSP whistleblowers confirm this as they went there and fought in wars there between these insects and there are all sorts of bases there, corporate industry mining rescores off the moon and powerful financial interests set-up and colony’s running since the end of WW2 after Hitler went there etc etc etc etc ETc. then we find out that the pictures of Mars are filmed in Greenland and colour filtered….because we haven’t been there After all?

When you understand the level of lies that we have been fed, I’m not joking, I have a strong stomach, and I felt ‘ill’, that’s not with any satanic sacrifice stuff, no no, that’s just off the revelations of today about mars….im pretty sure this part-10 will help joining dots-up with a whole lot of other stuff that some people may have trouble with……..Mars helps at a higher level next-level-dot-joining……wow…..listen to this, its one of them moments of clarity you guna have on the path home, it gets stranger and stranger, trust me.

The sell-outs from this realm who get the golden golden golden ticket, along with their family, like Admiral Richard E. Byrd, apparently got the ultimate prize of going to live on mars, which as we know is a flat realm joined directly to this realm, its our closest neighbor, as mentioned previously it is not possible to go there without a 5th DNA strand upgrade to handle the 5D matrix simulation, so all these sell-outs get that upgrade and about 45% of what they were promised when they sold their souls. So how big do you think the Mars colony is?.......remembering all the SSP whistle-blowers are 1 Million % lying, so factor that into your approximation:

I thought the mars colony would be like a couple hundred people maybe a couple thousand? And the colony I assumed to be maybe half the size of the UK in land size…….no no…..the colony is an island, but it’s the size of the USA and there are hundreds of thousands of sell-outs living there likely MILLIONS.

Those ‘Faked’ photos that you see online,  with a couple standing with a sasquatch in a mountain area….obviously fake because the Sasquatch is posing for the photo with a man and a woman as if all friends, big smiles everywhere – These are not Fake photos, we just assume they are fake as they cant possibly be real… unbelievable that they ‘must’ be fakes. These apparent Holiday Makers trekking in a mountain somewhere wearing T-shirts and sunglasses were in fact Scientists who are working with the Sasquatch on Mars. That’s why the closeness In the photo. Working with Sasquatch???? Yes…..sasquatch is a highly intelligent being/s. other images show a man and a girl next to a giant…….the girl is the ‘Wife’ of the nonce-scientist, not his daughter, and the giant or the creature next to these people will be either their creation or colleague in whatever nefarious plan is being carried out.

Have a look at the photos and decide for yourself…….I saw a photo that I am trying to re-find of a sheep in what looks like Victorian times with a large group of men standing around it….The Sheep is about 30’ tall and maybe 20’ wide and is a lot larger than the barn next to it…..obviously fake….OBVIOUSLY FAKE….we don’t have a 30’ tall sheep…….or do ‘we’???? – we may not, but over on Mars you can carry out whatever genetic testing you feel is appropriate in your demonic goals…..cant you?......every person there was a super-sell-out…..the Elite of the Sell-outs get this opportunity.

Some pictures of these aged scientists look so bizarre, but that’s because we have never been presented with anything remotely like this before, well we have but only in ‘Fiction’. The fact that these images are so real-looking, proves them to be fakes without any scrutiny required In that thought process – you can tell is a fake image as it features a 30’ tall sheep ….you don’t need a Phd in clever-shit to work that out. But its not like that. What was Satan? A deceiver. Well Satan didn’t exist, but ‘evil’ itself is a deceiver, its how demons trade, their currency lies and deceit. Don’t forget, a demon is the 2nd most knowledged entity in the universe after source creation itself……and we have only a 2.2% brain……a demon can run-rings around the entire parasite combined species, so what chance would a stupid 3D human have with a 2.2% brain pitted against a Demon? ZERO.

So these images of Mars, we would never ever in a million years associate with the ‘Red Planet’ because Mars isn’t a Red Planet….its a lush green flat disc that adjoins our realm – Mars is the closest planet to us (jesus christ I love being alive right now!… couldn’t make this shit-up – its bloody obvious now having been told whats going on on Mars….it fills in all the gaps about why tell us 30yrs ago about Dolly the sheep? You wanna see Dolly-The-Sheep’s Great-Great-Great grandfather? Created on Mars about 150yrs ago by the look of it. Don’t forget, they will not be living like the ‘Jetsons’ on Mars, that’s why the clothes and homes reflect our way of life & the era of human civilization from the time we associate the images with being about 1850-onwards.

Some of the beings look rather incongruous and out of place in their own body, this is because the scientists next to these beings were responsible for designing they hominid form as some of these beings didn’t always walk upright…..the human scientists on mars have been working on the most unusual research that makes what we think of as “Science” a total joke….look how old some of these photos are….humans working with ET’s and sasquatch on Mars….sound ridiculous doesn’t it?....well its supposed to sound ridiculous…you are to think it is preposterous so that you laugh and never look into it..well….you wouldn’t have looked into it anyway because you know for a FACT that mars is a red planet with no life on it.

All these images below are taken from Mars over the last 150-ish years. The ‘Robot ’-looking things are the 1st A.I intelligence that ‘we’ humans started creating – you saw the Boxing-match photo of a bare-knuckle man apparently fighting a robot in black and white image that looks like it was taken in the 1920’s…..yeah it was, on Mars where this research and genetic testing has been going on from day 1.

Have a look at the ‘Transformers’ below…….these are real – these machines were all real and created by humans on mars for various reasons – the idea that sparked the ‘Transformers’ craze in the 1980s, was taken from the research being done on mars. In the image with an Indian man in a turban standing next to a gawky-looking ET, is likely a servant of a scientists household who lives there -  most of the sell-outs in the Mars colony are scientists of various disciplines – they have a great advantage as they will live for 450-500yrs on mars in 5D so they can get much achieved in one lifetime.

Strange contraptions are seen in some of these images, some mimicking real life, and you must have seen the Fighting Robot?….this was early A.I, from Mars….not fakery from Victorian Massachusetts in the early 20th century…no no….this was all on Mars and all real experimentation.

When you realise the level of lies and deceit you will become enraged. That’s why the foreign military are out on the streets in the UK and every single other country……because when people realise that they haven’t been lied to, that they have been destroyed from the inside-out by a negative alien species who desires only their children….when they work this out and they realise that not only their pathetic life now this loop, but that of all of their ancestors right the way back to BEFORE RECORDED HISTORY EVEN STARTED……all of the strife/resets/mindwiping/subjugation/poisons /lies & fraud,……….all of it IS ONLY TO KEEP YOU BLIND FROM THE DEMONIC AGENDA AND THE SACRIFICE OF OUR CHILDREN.

on Mars it’s a free-for-all in terms of scientific moral-restrictions

Think about this….what did Christian say about 5-D…?.”Yeah yeah your pets at home will grow about 2 or 3 times their size and live twice as long”….so…..on Mars in 5D Animals are a lot bigger, a cat will look like the animals seen in these images below….

You have probably seen pictures of of the mars colony, and you will be very surprised to find out where you have seen these images because theres no way that you would associate these images with MARS!!! No way in a million years. Most people look at these photos and assume they are fake as they are so good quality…’some’ of these images are fake, but lets say 90% are real…..Q released these images starting a few years ago, people assumed, wrongly that they are A.I artwork or clever trickery – some seem to be absurd pictures of unusual-looking ‘Aliens’……these images are bizarre, and real – some of these hominid ET species shaking hands with men in suits, were negative species who were helping the scientists, some are scientists helping the ET’s, for instance, these ET’s are hominid-form…..but they weren’t always walking upright – remember that we humans are particularly intelligent, its one of the reasons for calcifying our pineal glands and downsizing us in height and brain capacity etc, even with a 2.2% brain capacity, we humans are pretty amazing and the cabal have had ET’s come here and kidnap scientists to work on projects for them back engineering stuff and making it better, the Draco are thieves who create little and steal the rest the get tech that they want to be improved and so they give it to a human scientist to improve/back engineer, and come back 5 or 10yrs later and the human has made the device 10X better than it was –

Also the Victorian era sepia-brown dog-eared photos taken on a ‘camera-obscurer’ and other black & white photos taken in the late 19th century, of what looks like an early fake-photo craze from when the cameras were 1st invented… show some examples below, but you will recognise these images from the rounds online over the past few years, they seem to be a device that can help you talk to a dead person, or at least portrays the ghostly image of a dead person – no no…..these devices are also mostly from mars and some of these pictures can even be from a different time-loop, from this realm, but from another era in another loop, because each realm is on a time-loop – as mentioned previously, if the GAA (Galactic Alliance Association – all the other  pseudonyms from the truth/mystic/medium circuit are incorrect, its called the ‘GLA’ and is made up with over 150+ positive species, with 50 of those species actively involved in the awakening process and IRO 100 on stand-by they haven’t needed the 100 on stand-by yet). The early scientists who sold us out get to experiment in anyway they want to – they have been experimenting for a few hundred years….experimenting on what? EVERYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE – the images below are a a little bizarre and seemingly ‘unreal’ due to being a bit too unusual looking – but they are real, and they are what’s been going on on Mars for the past FEW HUNDRED YEARS. The people standing next to these ETs are for several reasons: They ALL INVOLVE only PEOPLE who have SOLD US OUT, in some capacity – moving to mars is not for your average sell-out, no no, you need to be an important sell-out for a Martian ticket – they have the same clothes as us, same food (mostly) mars is a beayutiful realm, only some of it is uninhabitable due to the draco wiping out 2 benevolant species so they could use the closest realm to us as their main base – Mercury / Venus /and………… are not stars they are fully equioed Draco bases

JFK Assassination:

Never happened as we know – the ‘Zapruda’ footage clearly shows the driver of JFK’s motorcade, firing a gun from the drivers seat of the vehicle with his left arm There were several story’s to placate all the audiences around the world, time delayed bull-shit storys for every angle: the Normies got the ‘Grassy Knoll’ Lee Harvey Oswald story – then there was the History channel version that presented multiple shooters x 5 In various buildings, then there was the alternative ‘Greer’ version where the gun used was an electronically operated gas powered weapon developed by the C.I.A for the specific purpose of assassinating JFK with a small bullet that had a toxic sea anemone venom/poison in it, which explained why JFK’s brain was removed before he was admitted to hospital… .all very convincing indeed and suitable for every stance on the apparent assassination. But its all made-up bollox.

Here is what happened.

The 1st Lady, Jacqueline Kennedy Onasis, sold her husband out helped by Frank Sinatra - JFK was in the car and the entire thing was set-up by Pleiadians. It was a technology that made it look like jfk was shot in the head, it was a holographic display that covered his face in blood....not his actual face being blown off. thats all there is to it.

NASA doesn’t have a telescope, and the Arcebo telescopic array and al the rest are nothing to do with listening to the universe for life, they are built to throw off the scientists, only – the Vatican telescope named ‘Lucifer’ is only for communicating with Skynet and the other bases mentioned above…..dont forget the cabal know that we live under a firmament, so they also know that theres no point trying to look at anything with a telescope because you will never ever focus on it.

and as I said in a previous synopsis, when Trump said that “Were going to put a flag in Mars” – he meant the flat realm, not the Military Auxiliary Radio Station, or maybe that aswell, who cares? – I got something else wrong as well, I misinterpreted mars as a desolate Mad-Max Shit hole, but its not – there have been wars and conflicts, and originally there were 2 species of benevolent ETs, they were wiped out completely by the parasites and the ‘Martians’ were replaced by negative ET’s and genetic testing, it is also where the SUPER-SELL-OUTS get to go and have age extension to 450-500yrs, and a privileged way of life – the genetic testing has been going on since day one let me show u some examples wirth explanations

People taken out and replaced with clones – off planet slave trade – occupied worlds with dracos

The Anakim Giants are the largest of the 7 species of giants – I made a mistake in a previous synopsis where I said that there were a couple of negative species of giants – that was incorrect, I misunderstood what Christian said….there are NO negative species of giants, but some were used / ‘vrill’d / hosted to become negative.

The story of the ‘Kandahar Giant’ that was encountered by American servicemen in Afghanistan, if indeed a true story, was a negative vrill’d/hosted giant. (il ask Christian in a minute as hes outside on the phone)

– and the mummified giants found in ‘Love-lock’ cave in America??? Lovelock canyon in the Grand Canyon…? You know the Giants I’m talking about, ginger hair 7-9’ tall all wrapped up and killed after the native Indians got fed-up with their kids being eaten……they were negative/vrill’d etc that’s why they were mummified as mentioned in part-9-

Mermaids – Mermaids, as you probably guessed already, are real – they are hugely positive and highly telepathic – I was shocked at this revelation as I was under the impression that mermaids were all bad and didn’t like humans….if they like us….why try get sailors to jump in the water and die? Christian explained it: Mermaids love humans…….but if you are a demon, then a mermaid, for you, is the jackpot. That’s why sailors jumped in the ocean to certain death….told to by a hosted mermaid who controlled the mind of the sailor.


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