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christian's trip

christian's trip

Dec 21, 2023

Christian went to Canada and was detained at Vancouver Airport

by Muslim animals who prolly were not human. Think of christian as in the movie

Starman and does not know many things or how things work in this world. He was asked for names of who he was going to see in Canada and did not have names

and phone numbers and he never answered the questions. He was abused and traumatized. He was sleeping most of today and taking a shower.

There is a seat booked for tomorrow to go back to Canada and has the names of 5 people who will support him there . When he landed at Uk he talked with the Airline agent and told her what had happened to him as he can not read or write and she remembered him from the other day and felt very bad for him and will help him. When the muslim animals in Canada found out he could not read or write they beat him up and without any more details i do not want to disclose, he was traumatized by how humans can be.

The person hosting christian in Vancouver has already paid twice for the airline tickets and is out $4,000 and i am sending her $2,000 towards that now.

If you have anyhthng you wish to donate for christian..this will go to her and for the ticket for charlie. ...charlie is like christian with a Huge heart and they need to be together. There will be a group of people there in Vancouver to host him and be with him. There is someone in Canada who has told the Embassy and lawyers as he was treated in a very inhumane way.

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