Apr 23, 2024

(what do i have in me right now that i need to see?)


(that is all?)

is it not enough? you need to be patient for what unfolds, love. you need to be able to let it happen on its own without forcing it.

(so impatience is the problem, and not all the fears and anxiety?)

fear and anxiety do not do anything on their own. but in response to them you get impatient and that, love, is active participation on your behalf. you are trying to control the unfolding so that you can get rid of the fears. learn to live with them. do not feed them, let them stick around until they are starved and have no other choice but to leave you alone.

(how do i stop being impatient?)

accept that you have fears and anxiety. that is all. you have in your system a reaction to an external trigger. but you must understand that the reaction is due to misinterpretation. the external is not dangerous, it is completely safe. however your system, based on previous experience, dictates that it is the enemy approaching and you should go into battle or flee, and nothing in-between. but in fact it is all wrong. there is nothing to do here but wait until it is all revealed. you will know when that happens and you will be able to understand what is your true role in it. but not right now. not in this moment. it is still unfolding for you in the invisible realms. once it is ready to materialise, you will be the first to know. until then you must wait. try to be as quiet as you can be. do not push and do not let others push you. accept help but not judgement and advice. do not make any active steps of changing what is. try to love it as it is, this is part of the learning. it is what it is. it is not your job to change it. it is your job to let it be and love it - if you can, as much as you can.

(ok, do you see what images my mind projects right now - of loss and destruction, and suffering? what can we do about that?)

this is its job. it was build for that - to foresee based on past evidence. but it knows nothing of the future. not it this reality anyway.

(so basically you are asking us for a leap of faith.)

you are asking you, love. all we are is all of you. to make space to embody more of you, a leap of faith is indeed necessary. sit back, relax and be with what is. do not fight, do not resist. agree with it as it is and flow with it. this is how the world will work moving forward. there is no way to fight the flow and be well. so learn, child. it is safe now. completely safe. we are here for you and we are supporting you with everything that you need.

(what is it that takes so long to come to matter?)

a new way of being. lighter. brighter. more light, less matter. it is a recalibration of your body’s density that goes on multiple levels. your entire system is being refurbished while it is still online and fully operational. this has never been done before and must be carried out extremely carefully. this is why it takes a while - so that no interruptions are caused to the body and its operational systems. consider it a rewiring of your house while the electricity is on and you are using all your appliances. it is our job to make it right the first time. what we ask of you is that you allow us. stay still and quiet as much as you can and we will be done before you know it. we understand that it already feels like a long time yet be sure that it is far better than having to switch to a new body and go through the whole growing up process all over again. you get to keep your wisdom and knowledge and start immediately. this is truly fantastic and an opportunity that you do not want to miss. so let us do our job, honey, and rest until we are done. we have taken care that you do not miss a thing in the meantime. what is coming to you is beyond your wildest dreams, and it is coming fast. truly. let us work on you, love, and have a fantastic day. we know you can. there is nothing to worry about - even when it feels like this. just remember - accept whatever happens or crosses your mind. do not resist. accept and love your whole self in any moment. because you are a precious child of love and you deserve to have it all. beautiful, beautiful child. we love you so very much. seek joy, love. truly seek it and you will find it. there is no other way.

(thank you.)


22 April 2024

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