Hello 👋🏻
I am Aykut, and I am working as a Product Engineer. I contribute to many open source projects and create ones.
Some of my open source projects:
It is visited by people from all over the world who want to learn regex. It offers an interactive learning experience and has received many good reviews. It is also currently available in 10 languages.
interactively.info (Interactive articles and courses)
This project has been embraced by many users. Because it aims to make it very easy for them to manage icons and use them in mobile and web projects.
react-icomoon (~35k / weekly downloads)
It is used in a lot of projects and has improved the developer experience of many developers.
Thanks to the support, I can spend more time on projects and make them better.
Recent supporters

TOMAS ART CARDONER bought a coffee.
Thanks for RegExLearn. I learn quickly!!

_phrog_ bought a coffee.
Appreciate this! Quick and easy to get familiar with regex!

Someone bought 3 coffees.

Pascal bought 3 coffees.
Regexlearn is a great achievement and very useful !
Thanks !
Regexlearn est un sacré boulot super utile !

liams000 bought a coffee.
Great tutorial thank you, never fully took the time to understand regex, but now I definitely have a better understanding of it. Well done and thank you for building this free application.