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Nour N bought 3 books.

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Nour N bought 2 books.
Hi Jeffrey, Congratulations on reaching 3+k subscribers woohoo 🥳🥳💃✨💪 you're doing awesome job!! Also, wow interesting results you got there, you’re an INFP according to 16 personalities test 😸😺 I didn’t see that coming 🤔 I’ll analyze your answers and compare them to mine, maybe I’ll learn something new there 🧐 I took the test years back and got INFJ, let’s see what I’ll have this time around 😅 Thank you for sharing your results with us and of course for your cheerful MBTI songs (raps) ☺️ love them all! /Nour
Nour, I very much appreciate your kind words. 🥳 Especially now that I'm an INFP, the value of kindness is at the forefront of my mind. Looool. Thanks for being along for the ride! I hope I can continue to make interesting content that draws in thoughtful viewers like yourself. 😄

😆 My pleasure, INFP Jeffrey 🦋☺️

Nour N bought a book.
Hello Jeffrey, I hope all is good with you 🍁🍂 👀 thanks for sharing the Gray-Wheelwright Test, I haven't watched the longer version yet though 😅 but I wanted to tell you that I got INFP this time 🤣 I mean I can see why.. also, the INTP type somehow suits you, I think 😌 so I have a question and this is off topic: have you checked the news about the new Super Mario Bros movie? 🙀😻 Lol
Hey Nour. 😁 I'm doing well! I hope the same for you. 😄 I will say though... It's been awfully cold where I live. The seasons shift too quickly sometimes! Thank you so much for sharing your results. I see the 'NF' temperament has stayed strong over the last two rounds of typing, at least. Lol. You'll be happy to know that I have another couple of interesting test videos in the pipeline... And I may be creating a test of my own that I'm quite proud of, at least so far. 👀 Okay as for the SMB movie... YES. I'm dying because of all the memes. I can't believe how swiftly people have been with creating them. Lol.

Fantastic news Jeffrey 🤩 will this test be based on MBTI or OP, or are you creating a new system from scratch? A fun one 😬😁 for example M will stand for Mario personality type, P=Princess Peach, etc 😄 joking here..I think you’ll do a great one, I believe in you! As for me being a feeler type for more than two tests now, send help please 😭! I’m aware of that actually 😅 it’s just sometime I prefer to be a thinker, and want to sound that I’m in control of my feelings. But oh the hurt that I’d feel if I ignored my emotions, is unspeakable..I’d write poems in all the languages that I speak.. Lol! Have a great weekend Jeffrey and thank you for being such a wonderful friend 💫
It's based on OP, but I think I could tweak it to translate it into MBTI language fairly easily! LOL. It's interesting what you say about wanting to sound 'in control' of your feelings. In his Tavistock lectures, Jung illustrates that it's quite often thinkers that are the most emotional... If only because they so rarely attend to their feelings, so everything bubbles up like magma, demanding attention. It's a fun paradox. ☀️ Enjoy your weekend, Nour!