It's Hard Work!

It's Hard Work!

Feb 20, 2023

Listen, folks, let me tell you something - running a podcast is like trying to keep a toddler from eating a box of crayons. It's time-consuming, requires constant attention, and can leave you feeling mentally exhausted. That's why we need your help! By donating to AudioshowsUK on BuyMeACoffee, you'll be helping us keep the crayons out of the toddler's mouth, so to speak. Your donations will go towards ensuring that our podcast is the best it can be, with regular uploads, more shows, and, most importantly, plenty of coffee to keep us going. Plus, if you donate enough, we might even send you a personalised shoutout on one of the radio shows. So what are you waiting for? Donate now and help us keep the podcast world spinning!

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