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The internet's best resource for accurate visual depictions of element spectra. In 2021 I obtained samples of every available element and made visual observations and photographs of their spectra. The results are freely available to all and in the Public Domain, and the website is now trusted by educational institutions and science enthusiasts worldwide.
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Peter Becher ha offerto 3 coffees .
Thanks for the great spectrum data and images!
Michael M ha offerto 3 coffees .
Great website! Used it to check out noble gas samples I obtained with my new Little Garden Spectroscope.
tiktok-2fidddyprodigy ha offerto un coffee .
follow my tiktok
Chemistry Teacher ha offerto 3 coffees .
I want to support you with what I can, which won't be often, but your website actually makes an entire unit and supplemental labs possible for my high schoolers. :) I appreciate all you do and will do my best to try to help out when I have a little extra to spend.
Someone ha offerto 2 coffees .