5 Simple and Exciting Ideas for your nex ...

5 Simple and Exciting Ideas for your next Trip

Jun 24, 2021

Going on a trip is always going to be fun, and I'm sure that you are looking forward to it. With lock down restrictions lifting in a few holiday destinations around the world if you’ve not planned what you’re going to do yet, then that’s probably why you’ve come to this article. I'm going to be sharing some of my exciting ideas for your next trip that you can consider. There is a variety on this list, so there is bound to be something for everyone. Keep reading if you want to find out more!

Take To The Road

You might just want to take to the road. Whether you’re going to be taking the car or your RV is a debate that you can have with your partner. If you are taking the RV, though, make sure you’ve got enough deep cycle batteries to last for the duration of the trip as well as when you get back. There’s nothing worse than a complication when you’re trying to enjoy your road trip. Ensure that you have packed everything that you think you might need, as well as whatever you’ve got to fix anything wrong with the vehicle should something happen.

Some people might think a road trip is lame, but we assure you it isn’t. What could be better than seeing some awesome places, having some snacks, listening to some music, and spending time with your family, all at the same time? It’s an experience that everyone should have at least once, and it can actually be a lot of fun. Just make sure that there are entertainment options for everyone on the road, in case you hit a spell where nobody really feels like talking.


Have you ever thought about sightseeing? If you haven’t, then it’s certainly something that you should think about. Try to recall some of the things that you want to see in the place that you’ve decided to go to. I guarantee there is going to be at least one thing that you’re going to want to see, but there is usually far more. Instead of dedicating your entire trip to something like amusement parks or beaches, you could spend it looking at the history of the place. 

Find out some cool information about the destination and what there is to see there. Figure out what the place is known for, and then see if you can work out why while you are over there. It’s going to be a lot of fun, and if you decide to book a tour I bet it’s going to be super educational too. Don’t be afraid to take a trip dedicated to sightseeing because checking out the world is a lot of fun, no matter how old you are.

Public Transport Holiday

 Have you ever heard of this? Basically, you don't use any transportation that isn’t public. You can get on the boat, the plane, the bus or the train, but you must not get in a taxi or hire a car. This goes on for the entire duration of your stay so that you are experiencing something new. This suggestion is all about experiencing new things and learning that you can’t control everything, so you’re going to have to sit back and relax for a little while.

Try to get as much information about public transport as you can before you arrive. Look to see if there is a bus or train schedule, where it stops, how long it is going to take and so on. This gives you plenty of time to work out what you want to do each day, how long it is going to take to get there, and what mode of transportation is going to be the best.

Go Where The Wind Takes You

The final idea we have is that you head off on a holiday without a map or any solid plan! Don’t plan where you're going, don’t plan a hotel or a flight or anything, simply go wherever you find. The next flight that you can get on is the destination. You can then work out where you’re going to stay once there is a destination, or you can consider this when you get there. It’s not going to be ideal for everyone, especially seeing as some people have anxiety and having a trip like this can set them off big time.

You’ve got to be quite strong to be able to just hop on whatever plan you can get on next and just see where you go. If you’re not, then you’re going to chicken out at the last minute, but for those who are pretty adventurous, this is an awesome idea.

I hope that you have found this article helpful, and now have some exciting ideas for your next trip! I'm sure that you’re going to have the time of your life, so take your time and enjoy the duration of the holiday. You never know when you’re going to get the chance to experience something this wonderful again, so hold on to it and don’t waste a moment.

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