Bibble Update 2.0

Bibble Update 2.0

Jul 20, 2022

It's time for another update, this time with both good and bad news!

Let's get the bad news out of the way first;

I reached out to Bibble's insurance, PetPlan, about reviewing the exclusions on his policy. Unfortunately, they have now placed permanent exclusions so Cruciate Ligament Damage on both hind legs AND Arthritis/DLD of his stifle joints.

This means he is not covered now for any present/future claims he may need on those areas. This also means that at some point in the future, he will need surgery on the other leg, which will end up costing £8000 alone for both legs to be done. Here is a photo of said email:

Now for the good news!

We have reached 25% of the £4000 goal!!

Thank you to everyone who has helped us get this far, it is massively appreciated! I'm going to speak to the vet next week to see if they will allow Bibble to have his surgery with a down payment and the rest on a payment plan!

If there are any more updates, I will post them here! :)

In the meantime, here is Bibble posing with treats!

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