One glance outside my window Blesses my eyes with seas of green, Of trees, and grass, and bushes Waving at me, hoping to be seen These magnificent, flourishing beings Dancing together in the breeze Hold not a single care in the world Each doing exactly how they please The world outside looks energized So warm, welcoming and clean But I chose to stay safe inside Where no one can talk to me No matte...
House Plant
May 02, 2023
174 Aufrufe
People are like snowflakes Quiet and unsuspecting A gentle flurry ruins nothing A gentle person goes nowhere One person on the street Can easily be ignored Even if their cause is just Even if they’re ten feet tall But a storm causes mayhem Shuts down schools and closes roads Snow will pile and pile Until everyone is stuck at home A group of people can move mountains No matter their size or age J...
Jul 05, 2021
250 Aufrufe