Dear Anne Ruston

Dear Anne Ruston

Feb 17, 2022

I know you'll never read this because I'm sure you'd rather not be reminded that contrary to your denial there's actually people living in poverty. I watched you at senate estimates and I was reminded how different our lives were that you can ignore and deflect questions relating to the low rate of Jobseeker and each day I have to live it.
You said that those on Jobseeker also get free healthcare and education. Could you please tell me why I have to pay to see a dermatologist (just to apply for the dsp) or why not all my medications are covered by the pbs ? Also why was I told if I wanted to do a course through my DES I’d have to contribute 500 dollars. How is this free? There’s others who have to pay a gap to see a gp who Have to also spend or go without medications because they just can’t afford them. This isn’t free. Instead we have to pay for it out of pocket or not do it at all and most of us barely surviving have to choose to not do it at all.
please tell me when you had to go without a meal medical care or medications because I’m guessing on your salary the answer is most likely never.
I went to a public hospital last Friday night. While the overnight visit was free getting there via taxi wasn’t ( I didn’t dare call an ambulance because I couldn’t afford my membership and that would cost me over 1000 dollars) getting home was also not free and the bill I received for the medications I still have to pay for.

emergencies like that also ruin your budget. If you’re on jobseeker each day is spent worrying about an emergency happening and how you will pay for it. You live in constant fear that your fridge will break or you’ll get sick and need medications you already can’t afford. This is the reality of it. It’s a cycle of stress that wears on your mind and body. I’m on vitamins and supplements. Because it works out cheaper then buying fresh food and I’m combatting the malnutrition and scurvy that poverty heaped on to me.

You’ve also made comments that jobseeker is only meant to be temporary. So please tell me why I’ve been on it for 5 years and even though I apply for jobs I’ve gotten one phone interview. Maybe it’s because employers know with my current health I’m unemployable and I can’t afford to get the specialist reports to apply for dsp which I may not get because that’s become nearly impossible to access. There’s thousands in the same boat as I am. Just trying to survive while you lie and try to convince everyone it’s enough to live on and only temporary. You’re paid an over inflated wage to represent all Australians. Why are you not representing the actual people that you’re meant to be helping. ?

I hope tonight when you eat your dinner and have a glass of wine that the thought crosses your mind just for a split second that there will be thousands of people going without and somewhere in that moment you grow a conscience. Though judging by your estimates appearance you’re incapable of that.

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