Pouch 6: Proper Tools

Pouch 6: Proper Tools

May 09, 2024


I've fully recovered from the devastation of Pouch 5. Bounce back, Shane, all my fans have said. You'll come back stronger than ever.

And by gosh have I partially lived up to those expectations! Let me introduce you to Pouch 6.

This pouch is a lesson in just flying by the seat of my pants and not really measuring anything. The trusty plate I chose to make a stencil to draw around was completely the wrong size. It's much too small. Go bigger. The number of holes for the eyelets is wrong too - too far apart.

Wait, Shane, did you say eyelets? You bet I did! I had a trip to Hobbycraft (where I had two near misses on my bicycle - that place is not built for humans!) and found a 'start kit' of eyelets, grommets, and the tool I needed for both hole punching and eyelet-grommet-mating.

The starter kit was the only way of buying the stuff I needed. There was no excess stock. My review of that particular tool is that it seems alright! I had to hit the hole punch very hard on a sturdy table (damaging the table). I also want the eyelets to be much tighter than what it produced, but they are in sturdylike and I'm confident that'll extend the life of the bag.

The issue with having not enough holes is a bit of a thinker. Too many, and I'll end up with a garish grommet gangbang. Too few, like I have here, and the crumpling when drawn doesn't properly close the bag.

The stumpy stature of the pouch also doesn't help in this regard.

I am pleased to have gotten another, different piece of tech in though. Next time, I'll focus on experimenting with getting the right size and hole punch number.


- See Pouch 5.

- Important alteration: Use proper grommet and eyelet tool, which might come with a hole punch.

Destination of this pouch: No where in particular. This is another one you can help yourself too, if you like!

Life expectancy: Decent. Likely limited by the usefulness of the small size.

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