Art historians are so cool

Art historians are so cool

May 16, 2021

Instagram has been showing me this advertising about 20-minute Art History courses, in which they promise that you will understand “all” art history (for whatever that means), that you will be a more interesting person, that you will be able to analyse all kind of art, comprehend the author’s ideas (!), and that you will understand psychoanalytically the works of a modern art museum. Wow, it has taken me 17 years of study and experience, 2 degrees, thousands of hours of reading, writing, practice... and I can’t even say I have already achieved all that. I don't know if it's perhaps a generational conflict, but there is a certain need to have it all and already. As a Queen’s song which says: “I want it all and I want it now”. Stress the “all” and the “now”. Anyway, I love Art History to be accesible, and knowledge to be available to “everyone” (at least to middle class Gen-Z people, in this case). But it must be done with dignity, without discrediting our career and the very true contribution that we make, as professionals, to the world. Let's not make our occupation (even more) snobbish. Although... I must accept that being an art historian is a hyper boost for flirting. I could enrich myself by teaching an online course entitled "Art History for Tinder 101". So yes, Art Historians are kinda cool.

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