Aromatic Chat Facebook Page

Aromatic Chat Facebook Page

May 19, 2022

Did you know that Aromatic Chat has a FB Page?

I'm currently in the process of uploading all past episodes as well as sharing the bi-weekly release of new episodes.

I've gotten about half of the currently available episodes into the news feed right now and will be working hard to get the rest uploaded as quickly as possible.

I have a very small team that helps me bring these episodes to you. I am the producer, host, and editor of the podcast and I have Verdant Heart VA create the show notes and Limberlost Editing has just recently started transcribing the entire show which makes it possible for the deaf and hard-of-hearing community to take advantage of the connections created through the podcast.

Do you have any friends who would love to listen to the podcast? I'd be honored if you would share Aromatic Chat with your family and friends.

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