It is faster to write a post than to del ...

It is faster to write a post than to delete

Jul 24, 2023

I am not even joking! I really came to delete as this is just another website to keep updated but if I deleted it, I would have to go into 42 episodes and change the links. So here we go. I am super pleased with Season 2, I had two wildly popular episodes with Sean Anthony and Pan Nation so that was really nice and in general I do feel that the fan base is growing and I get a wider reach of interviewees. It is the summer holidays again so I will try and get stuck in nicely to line up interviews and come out with a few in September. Consistency is still an issue but I still just like a tight turnover between recording and publishing. Well, it is all about progress not perfection as I keep preaching to my students and friends.

Here the latest episodes in reverse order:

Two double acts back to back

Two super popular episodes back to back

My one and only foodie so far:

My little sports phase (number three)

Sport number 2, lovely Alma

Cool Donny, well loved by everyone in the Blue Yard

Very much in tune with this year - the unions make us strong. Teachers strikes went on for six months. Looks like we might stop now. Conall was so well prepared for the top tips, as a teacher I love the kids that do their homework.

And sports personality number one:

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