Releasing Stuckness, Creating Movement

Releasing Stuckness, Creating Movement

May 02, 2024

When I go inside my left cheek I can sense tension, and pain, in very specific spots. These are places that don't move. They are stuck. Cemented in place. Focusing on them directly will sometimes create a release either there or in the right side of my neck, which in turn creates a little more movement in my neck than before.

What I try to do though, is move my awareness slowly back and forth across the painful area, trying to keep the pain alive (because it is easy to avoid it - it sinks back into the subconscious SO quickly). Some directions are more painful (stuck) than others, so I will keep changing directions to find the most intense stuckness, moving back and forth across it with my awareness (which is so intense it feels like a knife moving back and forth across it), until there is a release, often a cracking in my right neck which sounds like a thin sheet of glass breaking.

Eventually the area in my left cheek that was stuck, will become moveable - when my awareness moves over that area, it is able to literally stretch the connective tissue that was stuck before. I can feel it move inside.

This is the same process we go through when tapping with EFT. We find a memory, belief, or even a word that holds some emotion (energy). We massage it back and forth over the pain, changing the words slightly, coming at it from different angles, until we have felt the pain sufficiently and something releases. Our awareness over this issue/memory/belief/word then become flexible, whereas it was stuck before. We become flexible.

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