There Is a God
There is a God who watches o'r
and stands with me near the shore
of "leaving or staying" on this plane
and keeps me from going completely insane.
There is a God, even though I'm not sure
that he will save me or even cure
the heavy illness which sets on me,
that only he and I can see.
I know God's love. I know His grace.
And I could name the date and place
where he appeared and touched my heart;
and where he promised we'd not part.
I know God's grace will get me home
though some days I've gone far and roamed
through dark and deepest, dense ravine
and wished memory loss of all I've seen.
There is a God and with his grace
I'll finally meet him, face-to-face.
When I get to heaven, I'll know for sure
that faith has helped me to endure.
By Annette Gagliardi
Published in Proper Poems for Ladies . . . and a few naughty ones, too by A. Gagliardi, We Sisters LLC, 2019.