There Ain't Room
There ain't room in this bed for you and me, Kid.
Be outa' bed by sunrise!
I don't need your elbows and knees, Kid
bruising my shoulders and eyes.
You've taken all the covers, Kid
and clutched them on your side,
'til there ain't room in this bed for the both of us —
be outa' bed by sunrise!
There ain't room on this pillow for both our heads,
so one of us just has to go.
How'd you get your arms way above me —
with your legs all tangled below?
I've said it before,
but, I'll say it once more.
Believe me, I wouldn't tell lies.
There just ain't room in this bed for the both of us, Kid
so be outa' bed by sunrise.
Published in Life Prints: A Collection by A. Gagliardi, 2002