Hi, I’m Anna Marie. I’m a wife, mother, author, Irish dancer, and pug mom living in North Carolina. I also love to travel. Come along for the ride! If you see something you like, don’t be afraid to say, ‘Pull over and let me out.’
You can find me at my travel blog, PullOverandLetMeOut.com where I post travel stories, tips, and inspiration so that others can use that information to plan their own adventures to those destinations.
In addition to my travel writing, I have written two fictional novels set in Ireland. The Cottage on Lough Key and The House with the Georgian Door are both available on Amazon. I've traveled to Ireland several times and knew the areas I visited would make the perfect setting for a novel. So, the inspiration for my books comes directly from my traveling adventures.
I hope you enjoy reading my stories, thank you for your support, and please be sure to sign up to receive my newsletter, https://pulloverandletmeout.com/newsletter/
Thanks and Happy Travels!
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