The one where I introduce myself..!

The one where I introduce myself..!

Nov 03, 2023

Hi There! I am Anjana, a small town girl from the quaint little state of Kerala, part of the large Indian subcontinent.. And I am here to tell you my travel stories and more.. :)

Before I start sharing my travel stories and itineraries in the upcoming blogs, I want to share with you why I set out to start this account.. 

I am a very passionate traveller and that is the one among the very few things that makes me the happiest in the world! Its the idea of seeing new places, getting lost in the nature, experiencing new cultures, getting excited by the hustle and bustle of a new city in a whole another country or continent, or even finding friends among random strangers over a cup of tea on a hostel bench.. the list of why this thrills me goes on and on.. I also enjoy capturing these places through my camera and love sharing it with the world.. And that is how my Instagram page ‘_avid_wanderer’ got created. I recently upgraded to a GoPro with a goal to create high quality content and I plan to be sharing them soon..

Oh! I forgot to mention, even though passion for travelling runs through my blood, my daily bread is earned by working as a Software Engineer. And hence, I am restricted to travelling only occasionally (even though I would love to travel full time one day and share it with all of you (wink))!

So now let me tell you what inspired me to travel, the trigger that made me get so passionate about places and itineraries and everything around it.. 

The story where it all started.. 

I was just out of college, got into an organisation through campus placement that in turn relocated me to Chennai (a city in a very culturally rich state of Tamil Nadu). This was the first time I was on my own - everything was new to me, a whole new city, an unknown language, not a single person I knew from the previous phase of my life.. Well, I knew that this was my one chance to discover myself, make myself independent in all possible ways.. This was also the period that taught me how self love is so important in one’s life..which led to a thought - “I should start ‘treating’ myself once in a while..not with materialistic stuff, but maybe with experiences..”

I decided to set out on a trip. Initially I planned to travel with my school/college friends..But none of them were free for a trip that time. Then I thought to myself - “why wait? Can’t I do it alone? What happened to the whole ‘discovering myself and being independent’ stuff?” So, I set out to explore a UNESCO Heritage site in the state of Karnataka called Hampi! Well, from then on, my whole life idea of the world idea of life changed.. I discovered the joy of treks, sunrises, sunsets, camping, beaches, mountains and all sorts of things.. Money can’t buy you happiness, but travelling surely can.. if you do it the right way.. 

So don’t wait up, hop on this journey with me, read my stories and maybe use them to make your own itineraries or maybe even use mine and set out to experience the world out there.. Remember.. the world is out there, and we haven’t even seen a speck of it..

Next up, I will tell you what I saw, did and explored in Hampi. Its a story from many years ago, but I have most of the details written and ready to share.. Stay tuned ! :) 

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