Anita and Hernan
12 прихильники(ів)


Aug 29, 2022

While there isn’t one formal way to teach tango, there are many tango schools that have been established throughout the years.

In the past, tango was taught in a more informal manner, and students mostly relied on a method of teaching that was more intuitive than structured. However, as time went on, many tango dancers began to develop their own techniques and teaching methods. Many of these teaching methods have been derived from traditional tango or what some might call “tango milonguero.”

On the other hand, there are also tango schools that have applied more systematic or scientific methods of understanding the dance and its movements.

A prime example is the Tango Nuevo movement spearheaded by Gustavo Naveira, Fabian Salas, and Chicho Frumboli.

Though Tango Nuevo is often misunderstood as a new style of dancing, it actually pertains to a more analytical approach to the study and teaching of tango.

Another famous tango dancer who has incorporated a more scientific method to tango dancing and teaching is Alejandra Mantiñan. She developed the Alejandra Mantiñan Method, where she applied her knowledge in medicine and taught tango in a more scientific way, challenging the established norms of teaching tango that is heavily based on improvisation and spontaneity.

Adding to this roster of innovative teachers is Dana Frigoli, who established her own tango school — DNI Tango Company — and developed Tango Tecnologia Conceptual (TTC).

Dana Frigoli and Tango Tecnología Conceptual

Dana Frigoli is a highly respected dancer, teacher, and choreographer in the tango community.

A summary of her career, achievements, and shows can be found in a post from Alternativa Teatral:

“[Dana Frigoli] is one of the most important tango dancers and choreographers in the world today. Thanks to her years of research,

she created the method ‘Tango Tecnología Conceptual’ (TTC), using the body as an expressive vehicle not only as an artistic manifesto, but also with therapeutic objectives.

She succeeded in making tango an experiential experience.

“[A] member of the Cuadro de Jóvenes de la Academia Nacional de Tango and artist of integral formation, she consolidated her career in several first-level companies and was part of the shows ‘Tanguera,’ ‘Tango Love and Sex,’ ‘Reliquias Porteñas,’ ‘Malevo Evolution-Tango (Tango electrónico),’ ‘Tango Fatal,’ ‘Postales de Tango,’ in which she participated in the choreographic design and, in the last one, she was the author of the whole show.

“She choreographed for Maximiliano Guerra in ‘Tango mirando al sur’ and participated in the movie ‘Diarios de Motocicleta.’ Internationally, Dana participated in important festivals and workshops, and also presented her work in countries such as Germany, Japan, China, Italy, Canada, Chile, Greece, Turkey, Russia, England, Denmark, France, Belgium, Korea, Portugal, Spain, and Austria, among others.

“2005 is the year in which he founded with Pablo Villarraza ‘DNI Tango,’ an integral concept that gives her the framework for the development of his philosophy about tango fused with different techniques, which is materialized in the school, the company and the clothing store that contains a staff of professionals who synthesize and transmit this experience.”

With her extensive background in both tango and theater, it’s no surprise that Dana Frigoli was able to formulate her own tango technique. As a performer, her experience has immensely contributed to her concept.

In an interview with TangoPiter.RU at the Nevskaya Milonga 2017 fair, Dana elaborates on how TTC is different from other tango teaching methods and styles:

“TTC is a technique that is based on the biomechanics of natural movement that allows anyone from novice to professional to deeply understand and feel the connections in the body, to cooperate with the music, and to dance with pleasure.”

“I developed the TTC technique and taught it already for 20 years, and I see many people all over the world who have [achieved] very good results. We show how to get the most out of what nature gave us.”

“[...] I think of tango as a practice that really starts in the body. And then, what was born in our body already unites all our essence in a very strong rapture.”

“When you dance the real tango, you do not give your body, but your insides. The body in tango is like a tunnel, like a channel for a strong transfer of feelings, passion and love.”

“All this is tango, this is how I feel it. And if there are no feelings and passion, there is only the knowledge of how to move well and you just move well and nothing else.”

The DNI Tango Company

With her development of TTC, Dana Frigoli was also able to establish her own tango school: DNI Tango Company.

Alongside Pablo Villarraza, Dana was able to eventually secure a studio in Avenida Corrientes in 2005, when she established the school. Four years later, they moved DNI Tango Company to a renovated building in the artistic district of Almagro and Palermo, near Avenida de Corrientes.

With their combined experience, Dana and Pablo were able to gather a number of students, who also became teachers for DNI and eventually went their own way to teach tango based on their knowledge of and experience with TTC.

A post from Soy Milonguera further explains the foundation of DNI:

“Dana and Pablo have been considered figureheads of Tango Nuevo all over the world. They now perceive such a determination as a restriction.

[Their] goal is to convey tango in a contemporary way, in all its available expressions, be it traditional Salón or modern. What counts, according to Dana and Pablo, is not the ‘new’ or ‘old,’ but ‘tango.’

The ‘how’ of mediation is more important to them than the question of style. They work out this consistently with their teachers and invested a lot of time and energy to didactically determine the content of the three different levels (‘Tango 1,’ ‘2,’ and ‘3’).

“DNI means Documento Nacional de Identidad — the Argentine identity card, which carries the fingerprint of its owner.

From Dana and Pablo’s point of view, the personal tango development of each individual is as [unique] as a fingerprint. The DNI wants to support its students in finding their own tango.

The TTC technology developed by Dana and Pablo is used as the basis that the student can access at any time to restructure [themselves].

They can also choose the couple within a twelve-person team of teachers whose personal dance style suits them the most.”

According to the same post,

lessons are also more tailored to the needs of students. They are not told how to perform a certain move but are encouraged to find their own way.

What’s new in TTC is the technology they’ve incorporated in understanding the dance, but the tango they teach ultimately remains the same. Alongside practicas are also lessons that tackle contemporary dance, ballet, rhythm, yoga, and power yoga for both couples and individual dancers.

DNI also has a tango club that makes it easier for students to enter and experience Buenos Aires milongas.

When asked about how she is able to keep up with the more practical demands of establishing a school, Dana explains in an interview with TangoPiter.RU:

“You know what, I tell you, when I founded my school, I didn't even think about money, nor about what my heart wanted.”

“I had a dream to organize a place where people would develop in tango, opening their hearts and finding the way to their inner selves.”

“I always knew I would have a big school, but I never thought of it as a business. I had to be principal, butler, and teacher simultaneously. Over time the chores grew. Now we divide these duties between my husband and me, and, in addition, there is an extra helper to help us. There are times when it is quite complicated, so we work all day long.”

DNI and the Changing Times

DNI had become a success in the years that it had been operating as a school. However, just like many others in every industry, Dana did not anticipate the kind of drastic change that would sweep the world when the pandemic began.

By June 17, 2020, at the height of the COVID-19 outbreak, Dana created a GoFundMe post that, unfortunately, discussed the closure of DNI as a school. According to the fundraiser:

  • DNI Tango was a dance studio and cultural melting pot in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

  • For 15 years it served the worldwide tango community with highly detailed technique; helping whomever came in contact to dance better.

  • It was through these countless hours of contact — teacher to student — that DNI’s philosophy of Love and Community reached across the globe.

  • DNI Tango Company produced shows that pushed tango to her creative limits.

  • Unfortunately, due to the current travel restrictions and untenable economic pressures we have been faced with the decision to close down DNI Tango indefinitely.

“While going through the process of dismantling DNI Tango, we have been fortunate to come across many students and supporters that have expressed concern for the economic well-being of the staff. Many students and supporters would like to aid and donate to the people that made up DNI Tango. This fundraiser provides the opportunity for that to happen.”

“ALL funds raised will be split equitably between all staff members: teachers, receptionists, maintenance, kitchen, and store. “

“[...] Thank you for all of the support during this time.”

While the doors of DNI are closing, the website remains operational as a store.

It currently sells tango apparel, trainers, and men's and women’s shoes. At the moment, it doesn’t seem like DNI is providing lessons as it did before. However, Dana herself has been actively giving online lessons over social media and video-sharing platforms.

It isn’t far-fetched to think that DNI may return as a school someday. With restrictions easing up all over the world, DNI could eventually rediscover its bearings. After all, online tango lessons have experienced a boom during the pandemic. People from all across the globe signed up for online lessons and discovered how tango was able to help them cope with the lockdowns.

Hopefully, as the world steps into a new normal, Dana Frigoli and DNI can teach more people about tango using TTC.

Tango as an Enriching Experience

Though TTC may be a more structured approach to tango, it has still made tango a beloved dance form throughout the years.

Dana Frigoli’s DNI Tango Company has spread the concept of tango as an enriching experience for all students and even teachers who have taught its core principles.

In fact, many of its longtime instructors have established their own tango schools, incorporating the techniques they have learned along with students in DNI.

In time, perhaps, DNI will once again open its doors and Dana will be back to teaching face to face, spreading the word of tango’s embrace to a new generation of learners.

If you wish to learn Argentine Tango, we put our methodology in the book. You can reserve yours HERE.

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