Anika R.
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Robert Koch Found Cause of Tuberculosis ...

Robert Koch Found Cause of Tuberculosis in 1882

Mar 28, 2022

Robert Koch was a German physician and microbiologist. He and Louis Pasteur are often called the fathers of modern bacteriology.

Koch discovered the cause of tuberculosis in 1882, and announced it on March 24th to the Berlin Physiological Society. At the time, nearly every seventh German died of TB, also called "Schwindsucht" (consumption). In 1905, he received the Nobel Prize of Medicine "for his investigations and discoveries in relation to tuberculosis."

If this kind of medical history interests you, I can recommend the show "Charité" (which is one of the oldest hospitals in Germany) showing on Netflix. It talks about the medical discoveries and work of Koch, Virchow, Behrendt, Ehrlicher, etc., but also touches on subjects like the more open antisemitism, poverty, and the discrimination against women.

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