There is a Right Time to Act: Trust This

There is a Right Time to Act: Trust This

Jun 05, 2022

“Wisdom always waits for the right time to act, while emotion always pushes for action right now!” ~ Joyce Meyer

Our ancestors and animals embody this wisdom deep in their bones.

And yet, it is a knowing that many of us have lost in the process of modernization but one which is so vital to living a balanced and fulfilling life, as well as minimizing stress, conflict and ill-health both within ourselves and with others.

No matter what our goals and aspirations are; no matter that they are coming from our heart and are part of our Soul’s path, we still need to listen to our body and our intuitive hunches about WHEN is the right time to act, when to wait, when to rest, and when some essential yet unseen element of growth and healing is still taking place.

As Joyce Meyer says, often it’s our emotions that drive us to act and sooner rather than perhaps taking the necessary time to really consider if this IS something that is right for us. Our emotions can take hold of us, seizing us with a sense of urgency to act now! They literally hijack us and make us sure that action is imperative.

Like with anything in life, balance is the key.

Just as we don’t hasten the butterfly out of her tightly wound cocoon, or pull the plant up before her roots and stem have matured, neither should we rush to put out our next endeavour and initiative into the harsh light and noise of the world too soon, or before we are really ready.

We must discern quietly and patiently when is the right time to launch something new. When we have the energy reserves to carry it through. When the necessary piece of healing has completed. And when we can feel deep within ourselves a true faith and confidence in what we are setting out to do.

We know when all of these essential processes have taken the time they need because suddenly, we feel a sense of “rightness” within and we just know: NOW it’s time to go ahead.

The truth is that there is never a need to rush.

And yet, we push and race, scrabbling to be seen and heard among the crowd. Our compulsions driving us ever onwards. We put unnecessary pressure on ourselves and probably also those closest to us. We create stress and imbalance simply by thinking we “should” forge ahead, rather than slowing down and listening to the quiet whisperings of our body and intuition.

We never do ourselves any favours in this regard, and for many of us it’s a lesson that must be endured time and again until we begin to heed the slow pace that is beckoning from within.

This slowness is part of our body and soul’s call to us.

We DO indeed have things that we need to manifest in the world, but there is always a right time.

So, our job then is to listen to and honour our hesitations; to notice our energy levels and our body’s responses, and to thoroughly monitor the thoughts, feelings and drives which are pressing us ahead too quickly, when everything else is urging caution and patience.

Patience is one of the most vital and yet difficult of qualities to embody in modern life. But the relief, creativity and productivity it brings when we DO take our time is often paradoxically far more than we could have originally achieved.

©Angela Dunning

Image by Brenda Marks, Pixabay.

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