Change From The Inside Out

Jul 20, 2024

If we keep trying to use the same approach to improve a situation, for example where our work is concerned or in a significant relationship but our approach simply isn’t working, then this means that the required shift needs to take place at another level; an inner level.

This is most often at the psychological and emotional level.

Something within us requires attention and is begging for a shift of energy, so that the required shift and change can take place in our outer life.

Most of us plug-away at the external aspects of our life hoping we’ll get the results we want, while neglecting what is going on underneath the repeated patterns of behaviour and attitude.

Yet, it is in this inner landscape where the blockage needs to first be identified and then shifted.

THEN we can take a different type of action in our lives to create the change we truly desire, as our libido is finally freed-up in a different more refreshed way, enabling us to act where before we felt stuck.

We do this by turning our attention within and exploring the internal dynamics which otherwise we're forever doomed to repeat, until we can bring more consciousness to the reason for the pattern and approach we always take in life.

It always amazes me how by taking this approach, rather than a solely externally focussed one, the capacity to make the change in our outer life can then happen pretty quickly and with minimal fuss.

It always feels to me like a drain has been unblocked inside and suddenly new energy can flow freely again, sometimes with a forceful rush, so that we act at last in our best interests, instead of remaining a slave to our compulsions and fears.

So, if you find yourself presently feeling unable to make the changes you really want to experience in your outer life but nothing is happening, then I encourage you to turn within.

Stop trying to force things on the outside and instead pay attention to your feelings, bodily responses, intuitions, dreams, fantasies and sudden insights about what really needs to happen.

Sometimes journaling helps as we freely write and muse on what is happening and why we are back at this same old roadblock once more.

At other times reading a pertinent book can suddenly unleash a powerful surge of new energy as it strikes a particular chord with us.

Sometimes getting more into our bodies via movement is the way, such as carefree dancing, or a brisk walk on a hill and letting the wind blow away the cobwebs.

Sometimes talking it over with a friend, partner or therapist can elicit a much needed internal shift.

Or, meditating in nature or with horses which can bring us into a state of inner receptivity, so that our quiet still true voice can be heard at last, as we silence the noisy cacophony of the adapted, fearful voices inside.

I always remind myself: “As within, so without”.

Change from the inside out is powerful, Of course, there are times when making a change in our outer life can be the catalyst for a powerful inner change too, this indeed can happen but sometimes the results can be short-lived. Whereas, I tend to find that the other way around leads to more sustainable inner shifts over the long term, as the change we want to see happens first inside of ourselves and is therefore rooted more firmly in our psyche and body.

© Angela Dunning

Image by Enrique Meseguer, via Pixabay.

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