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Summer Solstice Offer! 33% Off!

Summer Solstice Offer! 33% Off!

Jun 19, 2024

Hello All You Beautiful People in the Ethers!

How are you doing in these changing times?

I feel a grand shift in the ethers, and I also sense a feeling of "the old must die for the new to be (re-)born".
If I can help in any way and give some advice, it is to ALLOW whatever feeling that wants to come up to the surface. It's not coming up because you have done something wrong or you can't get out of your funk, it's because there is space or room created for you to allow the stagnant emotions/old version to come up and transform. Let it. Allow it. Embrace it.

This "Midsommar" as we call it in Swedish or Summer solstice feels very transformational, it runs deep. The earth patterns, the weather patterns and the emotional patterns feels very connected somehow. And they feel very rollercoaster'y, which is like the patterns are working on our behalf to throw us off to surrender rather than holding on to the safe and sound but old. It's like the patterns are saying, "just let go and follow the flow of things". And there in the midst of up and down if you just surrender, you'll soon find stability.

Right now you'll come a long way by connecting with mother nature, putting your bare feet on the ground or in the sand, drinking water and paying attention to what the body is asking for. Completely free for you, you might just need to practice the listening. For me personally what grounds me or connects me the quickest is music.

I also offer some things that can help, it's not free but there is a 33% discount for this summer solstice.

You can book a

One-on-One session via Zoom (or call if you don't want to show your face)


Automatic writing (message from your angels/guides)

Personal Video reading

(read more about each category down below)

One-on-One Session!

This is a call or zoom (zoom allows us to see each other).
It is a coaching call, where you can ask any questions you want to be guided forward in life.
We can use tarot cards if desired, and our guides are with us during the conversation.

I read your energy and can tell you where any blockages are.

60 min, 120 usd with 33% discount, 80 usd

30 min, 70 usd with 33% discount, 47 usd



This healing is done remotely, so you can be anywhere in the world.

You let me know what you want help with regarding your body or your mental state, or both. 
Maybe you want to let go of something, or maybe you "just" want a deeply relaxing balance for your body? 

After instruction about your wants, we (me and my guides) move into the highest possible light and invite you to come along.
And for 45 wonderful minutes you receive healing.

During the session, I get information that may be important for you to take part in regarding your body, or your journey forward. I will send that information to your email some time after your session. 

45 min Healing + Follow-up, 88 usd - 33% discount NEW PRICE 59 usd


Automatic writing. 

An automatic writing is experienced more like a conversation directly with your guides. You get a text with the answers that have come to you, that you read in your own time.

I put myself in a trance/meditative state, and let my/your guides come through. 
The best way I can explain this is that the energy is translated word for word. 

This is a chance to ask your guides about just about anything. I look at the questions you have sent and allow the words/answer to flow through me and translate it into writing. 

You can ask 3-4 questions about anything. 

A session takes me about an hour and I answer as many questions as I can within that hour.
When it's done, I'll send it to your email.

88 USD for 3-4 questions. - 33% discount NEW PRICE 59 USD



A video reading is more like you'll have a conversation with me without being there yourself. 

You ask your questions 3-4 and my guides and I receive answers, with a little help from the tarot cards (same as seen on Youtube). Your answer will thus come via video, where we (me and my guides) talk directly to you but you are not present for the session.

You can ask about just about anything. No question is too big or small. 

88 usd for about 3-4 questions. - 33% discount NEW PRICE 59 usd


The offer is valid until the 28th of June. Book now and we will find a time together
that fits your schedule!

Looking forward to connecting with you!

Happy Summer Solstice!

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