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Full Moon, Transformation, Daily Energy ...

Full Moon, Transformation, Daily Energy Forecast!

Sep 10, 2022

10th of September, Full Moon, Daily Energy Forecast!

(This is an excerpt from my other Buy Me A Coffee account - "My True North")

Hello dear "stars"!
This is the energy forecast for the 10th of september 2022!

(I wish for you to find some time as you start your day, where you get to sit down and enjoy a
really good cup of coffee or tea, as you read your "daily energy forecast"!)

This day of the 10th, with the Full Moon in Pisces, marks a day and an energy of transformation.

Lots going on, so enjoy that cup of yours and come with me!

The old is coming to an end. And the new is making it's way through. This energy is tapping into infinity and immortality. Endings and new beginnings.

Pisces is the last sign in the zodiac. No 9 represents endings. No 10 represents completion, and to top it off we have a full moon that is called the harvest moon, meaning it's time to reap what you have sown.
There is a grand opportunity here for you to manifest something that you thought was lost. Something that in the past you really wanted, and maybe even really thought was coming to fruition, but didn't. Now is that time. Now that person or experience or opportunity can come back around again.

There is an energy of sudden shifts going on, so there can be an element of surprise happening. It's a feeling of overnight sensation here. And the key words for this shift to take place is TRUST, SURRENDER AND ALLOW, ALLOW, ALLOW!

The unseen becomes seen, and there is a big activation of your 3rd eye and psychic abillities, if you want to dive more into that.

This day kicks off the energy of the full moon until mid October. And it really represents the beginning of the end, for both the collective and the individual, I feel. (I feel some crazy energy kicking into the 3d world around October-November, but more about that in our next Monthly Energy Forecast) And what better sign than Pisces to guides us through.
With their depth, sensitivity, intuitive nature and dreaminess, Pisces can lead the way to grand fruition.

Stay grounded, get your hours of sleep in there, and drink your water, and you will be just fine!

Hope this helps!

With love,

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