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The new (old) mundane

The new (old) mundane

Jun 10, 2024

Hello my darling reader, it's Anete again,

Trusting that all is well on your end I feel called to have a little chat with you. It's 10th of June and the warm and might I say proper summer days have been exchanged with Nordic summer. These days I've been keeping my windows closed and this morning I gave in and turned on the heater in my bedroom. We get rain, wind and even thunder and freezing hands. Last few days I haven't started with barefoot walks in the lawn like I did when it was warmer. My current Motto in life for the past more than a year has been Back to basics. What I mean by that is that I will access the most basic tools that cost me little to nothing at all but that are proven to be helpful. These are tools such as grounding, guided meditations, sun exposure, walks, quality sleep, nutrition and supplements. There are also areas where I could do better, such as having an in-person community around me. People I could spend time with in real life, although I am eternally grateful for the community I have in the virtual space and all over the world (mostly in Americas and Europe, but still). 

I have also made a radical decision to take off the pressure of myself of achieving lots. Instead of hard workouts I opt for a short exercise routine that I can commit to every day instead of hard workouts 1-3 times a week that is done with a lot of hesitation. It's wonderful to be doing those other workouts as well, it simply doesn't serve me at the moment. I'm looking for a good balance between loving discipline and stress free life and this is what it looks like for me now.

It feels like nothing much has been happening even though it's not entirely true. Last week I had an appointment with a doctor where I learned that my leukocytes that once reached 324, had gone down to 106 which is a huge progress and proof that things are going in the right direction. Soon I will hopefully be able to drop off some of the medication I've been taking and keep it simple with just one instead of three. My friend J has gifted me access to an alternative practitioner who is going to guide me through leukemia as well with proven natural practices. I know there were a couple of confused messages in my inbox after I had announced that I was in a hospital in Norway and starting the Western treatments after I had run away from it all in 2021. While sure it's nice to be liked and understood by everyone I have reached a point where I am okay with being misunderstood. It's okay if one doesn't understand my choices or I don't fulfil their expectations of how one should be dealing with such health challenges. Why don't you walk a mile in my shoes first before making judgements, and I say this lovingly.

I was born a nature lover and as such I've been going for walks with a different perspective to nature growing around me. Especially now after more than 2 years spent in Mexico I view the most accessible things in Nordic nature with so much more appreciation and desire to take advantage of. I'm mentally making a list of remedies I would like to pick up this year for teas. In my list there is nettle, linden flowers, raspberry leaves and more, and I'm open for suggestions too.

Big part of my current life is surrendering and non attachment. Let's also not forget that I am a human being and by no means I claim I am something one hundred percent. This is my truth now and it can change at any given moment. Life has shown to be pretty unpredictable in my experience. I didn't want to leave Mexico and I didn't want to move in with my mother and take Western medicine to heal from cancer but suddenly nothing else made sense. I haven't unwrapped much about what I was going through in Mexico. Just trust me that I had tried and tried and at some point it felt like stupidity to try and continue things that way. Something had to change drastically. For some this might look like giving up whereas to me this is taking power into my own hands when things had gotten extreme for an extended period of time.

I just know that one day this will all make sense..



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