Wedding Planner Becomes Groom #marriagee ...

Wedding Planner Becomes Groom #marriageequality, #wedding, #officiant

Nov 12, 2024

Well, that was 'a week', was it not?

In response to <gestures broadly> all of that, my partner and I have decided to get married. Well, we've been together for 9 years and engaged for 3 so, you know, regardless of the circumstance, the energy is a bit like "you mean, that suitcase from our trip this summer is still sitting on the stairway and no one has bothered to carry it up one flight?" :)

In our "defense", after the initial engagement, we decided to purchase our first home which became a bit more convoluted than we ever imagined it would be. We finally found a place and moved in last January. It does not feel like we've been here nearly a year!

In any event, we've set a date for late December and I've put on my wedding planner hat and, in less than a week, we've got about 80% of it finalized. Part of this is because the compressed timeline does away with a lot of waffling on decision making. Just saying 'yes' to things and each of us not letting our own ego get in the way has helped tremendously too. :)

Coincidentally, this morning on my BlueSky feed (@ someone complained about their own wedding plans and said something to the affect of "does anyone actually LIKE doing this?" And of course, as someone who has not only planned thousands of non-profit and corporate events, but has also planned weddings, I had to (digitally) raise my hand - yes, it's a kind of crazy and stressful process but I love fulfilling people's dreams - it's so rewarding when it comes together and you see the joy on the faces of participants. It's not for everyone but for those of us who love it, well, it's not just a job it's a vocation.

Have a terrific Tuesday everyone and do what you need to do to stay sane in this crazy time!

Photo: Still Life of Breakfast 11/12/24 Photo by Andrew Altenburg

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