Designing Lives

Designing Lives

Jul 03, 2020

Just Thinking Creatively

by Anabel Díaz=Anading

We have been spending time designing our lives, but today the reality came to surface. We reached the point in our life, where we have made a pause and see, really see where we have to be, what we have to do, and what matters and not. What and who deserves our time. If we didn’t have a clue by this time, life knows well.

Many rediscover their homes, family, things that matter, and others that you can live without. As well as, things you bought for later when is later? You set the time for anything in your life.

Communicating one to one sometimes is hard, but is the new trending topic in each house. How many said I don’t have time for myself or family time, how time became our new reality or the future one. A big lesson of the human race.

Time is again to repurpose our lives, set the bar high, do things you never thought of doing, challenge yourself, and help more, you are not alone. Now we can see that we can set things to make the time for what we want, learn, practice, cook, read, research, talk, and see how people are doing, be supportive.

Take care!

P.D. Hope my thoughts help you visualize what matters.

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