Amy Auset Rohn
23 sostenitori
My first time at Sakkara

My first time at Sakkara

Oct 07, 2021

This was my first trip to Egypt and I was soooo excited to visit Sakkara and the Pyramid of Unas!!!  My colleague, Normandi Ellis, is there in front of me and she had started to teach me how to read hieroglyphs using the text from this 5th dynasty pyramid.  I was on my way to see them in person!

While we were in the pyramid, I read a portion of an utterance that I had translated (it took me HOURS!!!!!).  In it, there was a mention of the name of Unas and the echoing of it through time:

"Unas calls upon the Sun god Ra and Ra speaks his name, returning it as an echo through Time. Along the trail of ascending smoke of incense Unas and the sound of his name ascend the steps to the heavens."

As I read these words and heard the echo of my own voice saying the name of Unas, I could feel Unas beside me smiling.

I fed his Ka....I spoke his name.

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