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Countdown complete

Countdown complete

Feb 05, 2023

Well. That’s it. Time’s up. The end of my career in the NHS. I’ve applied to be taken off the professional register. Removed myself from all group chats, deactivated as much as possible and done my last handover. Am I sad? Of course. I feel like I’ve got so many skills and I was good at my job. But they won’t go to waste; I’ll continue to volunteer in my community. Maybe one day I’ll be back in the NHS again, but right now is not my time. I need time to get back to who I used to be. Find my smile. Relight the fire inside that’s burnt out. Looking forward to a new start, a new beginning. It’ll be hard to start with, but big life changes are always a challenge. A challenge I’m ready to tackle. I just need to believe in myself, keep my head held high and keep moving forwards.

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