Mar 17, 2023

The danger of why we shouldn't convert over to a digital currency society:

We already know they shut off all of our websites, because we use the power of our voices here at @amrcnlbrtyrghts & @shadowassessors to tell the public that corruption exists within even our own local city and county government. And our voices in limited freedom of speech caused the corrupt to send us a message to "shut it, or else".

And their mesage is clear, they will start at the bottom and use terrorism and threats, and intellectual property damaging actions to begin pressing their point across.

And remember, 3 or 4 days ago we began by letting the public know that those terrorist criminals living now on great retirement pension plans from the once in operation, valiant task force of Corvallis Oregon/Benton county made it out safely without ever a criminal charge.

And then 2 days ago, the world found out that Google allowed corrupt corvallis law enforcement agents onto our websites and commit a criminal terrorist act of destruction of interpersonal property. Did we mention that the police won't even follow through with proper criminal and civil prosecutions of thefts and attempted hit and runs against our employees? Feel free and ask them whats being done about the current open investigations opened by our employees, and see for yourselves the country's own government has infact begun railroading #AmericanCitizens from the justice legal system.

Of course, you can see how quickly le will go kicking down the doors and making arrests on accusations and hear says and diary statements against our employees, but oh no... you wont ever see informations being withheld from jurors to aid in favor of our employees though!

See now how dangerous the new cashless society will give these corrupt officials the ability to shut off your currency and not even have a trace as to who or where your money goes missing or wont go through to collectors:

How the Fed could use CBDCs to make your financial choices for you


Is the Cashless Society basically here?

These are pretty good indications within these two articles, as to why a cashless society is at most, a very big threat to those of the human rights civil rights, and social-economocal industrial whistleblowing workers living. And any of those who speak up against or out to aid a topic subject or cause not liked by a crooked self interest seeking employee of the government can secretly rip your world in two without a trace for the food guys in government

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