How Am I Still Writing

May 19, 2022

Beautiful People,

I feel like this book is never ending which is a good thing. I printed off my book and now with it in my had I have the biggest smile but I'm still writing. Reading over the book I feel like some chapters are too short or just no giving what I want.

This will be my new life for the next week as I keep making progress to get my book revised and edited. This makes me a bit impatient since my release is in 2.5 months. Feels so close. Until then I will revise and edit and work with my Editor to revise and edit.

Here is the book blurb for you all to review:

There are many reasons, we may see ourselves through the lives of others. Because our minds are filled with comparisons and contrast scenarios. We feel a constant need to belong and find our place in this world. This breakthrough book will help you not only relate to the Author and say, this is me; but connect you to the realness of identifying how our past, present, and future all fall together. Yes, this book will talk about the pain many of us have from losing family, our childhood, the love of our life, and ourselves all at the same time. 

As life throws you challenges, one can choose to acknowledge them and get out of the way. You can still live a happy and healthy life full of abundance if you want to. The time is now, to get back on track with your life's journey, to put yourself at the top of your “to-do” list, and to stop feeling stuck! The magic of it all is how we get back up and stand again. The time is now, to take back your life and get back to the basics!

Dating me, will not tell you how to catch your next love interest or how to manage your business. It will, however, show you through our communication how to become aware of what is in your way, how to manage relationships, and trust yourself. Most of all, how to keep loving yourself through everything to be the wise, the mature, and the satisfied. 

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