Soul Mind Body- Save the Best for Last

Soul Mind Body- Save the Best for Last

Dec 28, 2021

Our Soul Mind Body spread for this week is brought to you by the Beyond Lemuria Oracle Cards from Izzy Ivy.

I've been using this deck since it came to me in Colorado in June, and it really provides me with some powerful insights every time.

As this is our final week of 2021, and we greet 2022 I thought it would be special to hear from this amazing society as to what we are to be focusing on, and how to bring in the new year peacefully.

So here we go:

Our Soul Card is the Sacral Chakra (3): The Core of Creation. If you read my SMB from last week, you know that sex has been on my mind. And the Sacral is about sexual power and energy yet being able to apply that to our lives in a functional way. Creation energy is sexual energy. I have had to focus on how to create outside of being physically penetrated which has led to some interesting discoveries.

What is inside of you that wants to come out? Where does your pleasure lie, is where our soul wants the focus to be as you take moments to write down your resolutions.

Meanwhile, our Mind card is The Star Seer (46). This card is giving me a reminder to watch the cosmos and the stars, for they hold messages to empower us continuously. We are walking universes and are aligned with every motion that occurs. Understanding this, makes us pay closer attention to the astrologers and beings that tell us what the planets are communicating. Connection to divinity is being craved as a whole.

Body is Beyond the Mind (20). Follow our physical inclinations more. A wonderful way to get closer to your authenticity and heal is to pay attention to the body. Quiet the mind more and more, or allow it to run, but don't feed it. Don't give it credibility. Let your body awareness and your feelings run the show for a bit. Take this time to create magic and know that it is not your mind that does this.

Tapping into your inner divinity requires using tools that you haven't used in some time. This is beyond the comprehension that your mind can handle or know. It's time to graduate from an information seeker to one who is integrating and embodying the codes and messaging that we are meant to.

Are you ready to take it beyond? Or are you comfortable enough where you are?


***Amor Seeds- the Chakra Check In was postponed for this week due to the holy-days, next week we will be wrapping up the Throat Chakra in a powerful way, keep an eye out on your inbox for the Guide to 2022.

Also, the Annual Spread will be up tomorrow, be sure to subscribe and set a reminder!

Loove you,

Claudia Adalgisa (she/her)

Reiki Master Teacher

PS- the New Moon Circle in Capricorn is on Sunday the 2nd- mark your planners ;)

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