Moon in Scorpio- Money Magic

Moon in Scorpio- Money Magic

Nov 08, 2023

On Monday, November 13th at 4:27 am EST, we have the New Moon in Scorpio at 20 degrees. This moon sets the mark for every other New Moon for the rest of the astrological year. Until the New Moon in Aries (April 2024), all of the New moons will be at this degree. Which just so happens to be known as the Scorpio degree.

The Circle will be Sunday, November 12th at 9pm EST

Scorpio is the constellation that represents transformation, death, rebirth, other people’s money, sex, the occult. It is the 8th sign. It is the fixed water sign and the most notorious. I love me some Scorpio energy as this season is about going deep into the shadows and bringing out to be confronted. It is a mysterious time that always brings about some excitement and devastation at the same time. 

We’re at a time that is pretty intense, so buckle up, y’all, I am not joking. And to get started I did pull a card for how to get ready for the New Moon in today's Energy Read (Click here to watch the replay).

The things to look at to know how these energies are showing up in your life, is where is Scorpio in your chart, do you have any planets in the 8th house? If you do this research for yourself, take a moment to look up what those planets mean and then you can trace what has been happening in your life as of late. 

I suggest that you do this before Sunday. And then, come to the Moon circle on Sunday evening, ready to set 1 really strong intention

Our focus is finances and relationships. This Scorpio energy is calling for us to review our money wounds, and bring forth some clarity and healing towards our relationship with money. 

As I was listening to sensei today, he mentions that Pluto is at 28 degree Capricorn until December 21st. This is a degree that it will no longer be in for our lifetime and it is one in which we have to evaluate our power and what we are bringing forth.

Now is the time. 

I’ve also started looking into 2024, and I’m very excited because there is so much that is bubbling up and some information will come soon about our collective Annual spread..

For this next moon circle, I’d like for us to do a ritual together. Below are the materials you’ll need to bring to do so. Participation in this part is optional.

The Moon circle will start with a grounding message from an Oracle deck, and then an exercise in journaling with prompts guided by the energy that we are in. Then we will go through a guided reiki experience. It is camera’s optional, and writing materials and something to drink is good to have. There is a grace period before we start, and once the reiki experience begins nobody else will be admitted into the room.

These circles are not recorded, as this is a safe, confidential space. What happens in the circle, stays there. Come with open hearts and express as deeply or shallowly as you desire to. 


  • Black, Gold, or White candle (That’s the order of preference-Just 1 is fine)

  • Journal 

  • Pen

  • Glass of Water

  • Salt (bonus points for Himalayan salt)

  • A coin

  • A black crystal or stone (optional)

  • Optional : A bay leaf


See you soon. 

CLICK HERE to join the circle.


Topic: New Moon in Scorpio

Time: Nov 12, 2023 09:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 884 3143 5696

Passcode: pluto999


Love you,

Claudia Adalgisa

Soul Coach

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