Lion's Gate Activation

Lion's Gate Activation

Aug 03, 2022

In the Energy Read yesterday, I said that spirituality is a hustle, and I didn’t get to expand on that, so I want to clarify some things, 

We as humans best communicate in story form, there are many stories that get engraved in our system and we take it on.

When you start the path of personal development and improvement, you come into a lot of coaches, healers, and spiritual teachers and they all have stories. It really is about whose storytelling skills appeal to you the most, or which resonate with your spirit. 

So, I say this to say, that there is a lot of different information and interpretations that you will come across on any of the things that you research. When I went to look for something to share on the Lion’s Gate, there is a lot of different information.

Ultimately it is an occurrence that happens annually where the star Sirius is most visible in the sky. In ancient Egypt it signaled the time when the Nile River would flood and provide abundance. When this happened, it typically was around the time that the Sun was in Leo, and the timeframe varies because our calendar was decided upon with the Roman Ego in mind, and not the natural interactions of the sky and the Earth. 

Anywho, the Lion’s Gate is a time of activation, as the Nile flooded and brought forth with it nourishment for the land. We are brought this time to receive.

There are a lot of astrological events that happen, everyday really there is something, there are constant shifts, continuous moving, retrogrades. 

In 2020, when my akashic records told me to show up for myself, another message they gave me later on was to study the stars. And I have been, everyday I deepen my knowledge and awareness of what is happening in the skies and I can relate it to things that are occurring within me.

I believe more than ever that we are walking universes, and the magnitude of life that we hold and the occurrences that happen are simply a beautiful experience of this life. 

So, if you google Lion’s Gate, you’ll get all these news of portal opening and a time for manifestation and power, and do this meditation, and do this dance, and click here and go upside down and you’re off to live your greatest life. 

There’s a lot of good information out there and you can do your own research, draw your own conclusions, AND you can join me on Friday at 8pm EST for the Lion’s Gate Activation ceremony.

I will tap into my Akashic Records, to do mini responses to the first 3 people that sign up, and to give an overall clarification on this portal energy. 

During the event, we will do a visualization, an energetic reset, and then we will empower a master grid. 

You will need, a quiet space, a journal, a drink, zoom, and something you want to manifest. 

I’ll need your email address (to send you the grid, and follow up information), and if you are one of the first 3 enrollees, a question for something you want clarification on (we can do this live, or you can message it to me in the zoom)

For this event, I am collecting donations, I want you to make an investment on yourself, to join this event committed to letting go and you can choose the amount. 

In order to sign up, you will first make a donation by clicking here

Then you will receive the zoom link and further instructions. 

Love you,

Claudia Adalgisa

Reiki Master Teacher

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