Energy Read-New Moon Vibes

Energy Read-New Moon Vibes

Jun 29, 2022

Yesterday was the season opener for the weekly Energy Reads, from which I will broadcast live on Instagram on Tuesday mornings, catch the replay here, and allow yourself a moment with my written reflections on these cards.

The New Moon in Cancer came through so very empowering for me, and I just was inspired to write after the circle last night, so I started then, and just finished this morning, eventually I’ll add the images, but you can look at the video if you want to see the cards. 

Soul ( 2. Inner Voice)

Our Soul card this week is the Inner Voice. In this deck, this is the High Priestess. The energy of your inner knowing that is unexplainable and honestly just a waste of energy to try. You know, we waste a lot of energy, but how would we know it unless we start to pay attention. 

If we spend more time listening to the things that don’t make sense to anyone but you, what kind of world would you live in? Would you try it for a moment, for a day?

When I learned about the akashic records, the main thing that stood out to me is that in the higher realms, language is a waste of energy, because the beauty that is available there is simply, felt. And feeling is hard to explain because it is not like touch, it is an all senses experience that just feels light. 

To know that you can access tremendous treasures by just sitting still and listening within, is to tap in to unlimited wealth and prosperity. It is not about motion, about doing, about going, about seeking. It is about being…being connected to that inner truth. That song that only you can hear, because it plays solely for you. Are you ready to begin the journey to devote yourself to it? Because only in that commitment will you be able to access wealth. 

It is not supposed to make sense to anyone else, if it does, that is a bonus, but getting okay with your inner voice is where your joy begins. 

That inner voice of your purest self, your untainted, undamaged, whole, beautiful little self. Do you remember them? How often do you set aside time to listen? She speaks so softly, it takes stillness to be able to listen. 

Mind (10. Rebirth)

Unlike our mind, which is going through a Rebirth. There is a cycle that is completed this week and with death, comes rebirth. Starting a new form of balance, springing forth from that pride. Allowing that to diminish a little bit and play. 

Imagination is where the mind plays, how are you using yours? Is he playing an instrument, or devising schemes of manipulation and control to get your way? How are you engaging the parts of you that want more?

Do you give it more of the same, or are you ready to change the game? What is your rebirth? 

Body (14. Integration)

Integration, is the understanding how all the pieces fit together. This card pictures all the dualities, the polarity, the different energies that encompass creation. And how we are able to hold it all, through observation, through presence and understanding. It is all part of the beautiful whole picture. The more that we listen within, we are able to honor the messages that our unique coding has in store. And once we can honor it, it can lead us. 

Our inner mothers are present, nurturing, and ready to support our wildest dreams. It does not matter where the relationship with the external figure that represents this for you is, what matters now is how you want to learn your lessons going forward. And to learn, is to be better. It is not to just know, it is to have no other choice but to be. Integration is the embodiment. 

There’s a reason why it is Amor Personified. It is the embodiment of love, to where it is what can only help to show and come out.

It has been my mission to fill myself up with love, as within, so without. To bathe in the waters of divinity and then to pour out this love. It has not been an easy road. But the path is worth it within itself. It also is part of my purpose to embrace the journey, the moments of stillness, and the moments of joy with great anticipation and enjoyment. 

My body likes movement, stimulation and hugs. What does yours like? Are you paying attention to what it is telling you?

In the Moon Circle last night, the message from the Lemurians was also a 14. Earth= Nurture Nature, and I explained how our bodies are the Earth. Your body is the Earth.  All the elements exist to grow and nurture it, one way or the other. There are clouds, and inner fire, electricity , and water. Yesterday I saw the quote by Ram Dass “ And so I practice turning people into trees, which means appreciating them just the way they are”. 

In this Lemurian card the image is a tree-being, the roots reaching downward into the the Earth, as she extends, and the power is radiating from her heart, and the beauty that spawns from the crown, receiving the wisdom of the rain and lightning. 

A complete full circle moment, everything adds, and takes away. 

Take your moment today, to check in with your body.

For those that want to take this work a little deeper, doors are opening to Path to Love. Reply or DM me for more information. 

Love you,

Claudia Adalgisa

(Soul Coach)

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