The American Southwest website ( provides detailed and regularly updated information about the Southwestern states, especially parks, trails, canyons and wildflowers. The Facebook page helps to further showcase the beauty of this region, while the Facebook group allows anyone to contribute with their own photographs, and ask trip planning questions.
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Recent supporters

Carl B bought 5 coffees.
I've been been a huge fan of your site for at least 6 years now (wow). I've taken countless of your recommendations and love the knowledge and respect for the places that you put into your writing. I'll be making my semi annual trip down to the southwest this next week, and just realized it's past overdue that I support your work in some way, as I once again browse for off-the-beaten path adventures. Cheers!!

Peter Faust bought a coffee.
I have been a fan for quite some time; finding new places to go and new - hopefully not too
challenging - slot canyons to explore. Now that I have recently had my hip replaced I am looking for different places to explore... I'm thinking my challenge will be Happy Canyon up by Hanksville if I can find a way to drive closer than six miles before having to wade the river.
Thank you Peter! Happy Canyon is of course not on the website as I've not been there; I have the same access issues as you. I have upwards of 100 places waiting to be added to the site, though only one slot canyon - Ladder Canyon, in California. That plus updates to Clear Creek/Pine Creek. It is getting harder to find new ones...

Peter Faust bought a coffee.
I have been a fan for quite some time; finding new places to go and new - hopefully not too
challenging - slot canyons to explore. Now that I have recently had my hip replaced I am looking for different places to explore... I'm thinking my challenge will be Happy Canyon up by Hanksville if I can find a way to drive closer than six miles before having to wade the river.

christa moody bought a coffee.
your facebook page has provided such inspiration for my first and now second annual trip to the Southwest. I was lucky enough to have you answer a question on there and learn of your web page also. What a wealth of information. You are so blessed to have this much time devoted to Southwest travels!!!