Amaris Sluik
5 supporters
Upcoming Forecast for the remainder of 2 ...

Upcoming Forecast for the remainder of 2023

Aug 04, 2023

Hello hello!

In an attempt at remaining as transparent as I can about upcoming things in my life, I thought I'd sum up what events are known for the remainder of my 2023. It's hastily barreling towards the end of the year and things are getting chaotic.

I'm not one for scheduling updates for fan fictions, or putting due dates on my creative projects. I find that instead of helping me manage my time as one might expect, it causes me phenomenally more damage. Instead, it constricts my ability to fully focus on my creative tasks. I focus far more on how little time I have left and how my mistakes in my work keep coming up and spiral downwards.

However, a minor roadmap feels like a good start at this point :)

August: The main focus will be on getting some work done for Marionette. I'm hoping to get roughly a chapter a month done and uploaded. Once Marionette has been finished, I'll have freed up some mental space for the other projects I've been working on.

September: The migration of discontinued work from my profile over onto Archive Of Our Own. Some minor cleanup work before uploading will be performed before I eventually terminate the account. It's been a long fifteen years since the account was uploaded but closing it has been long overdue.

October: I'll be out of the country for a two week period at the start of the month :) It's the first time I'm leaving the familiar boundaries of Australia to visit New Zealand. Understandably I won't really have the time to work on my projects at this point.

November: Attempting to write as much of The Silence of Thana Grove for NaNoWriMo as possible. Upon the completion of National Novel Writing Month, I'll upload what has been completed after some cleanup onto Inkitt and complete any remaining content that I didn't get the opportunity to write at a more leisurely pace. I'll post an update with the relevant links at the end of NaNoWriMo so you all can find the book :)

December: The focus will be cleanup and housekeeping. If Marionette is lagging with its few chapters, I'll be working on finishing Marionette as soon as possible. If Marionette has either been completed or is on track for its timely completion, Auriel's Ascension will get some much needed attention.

It feels really quite vague for a roadmap for the rest of 2023, but given my lack of ability to get a lot of work done thus far, I'm hoping that I'll get at least some of this done at the very least.

In any case, thanks for keeping up with my work thus far and I hope you look forward to the updates I have in store for the future :)

All the best~!

<3 Amaris

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