First Steps for Becoming my more Creativ ...

First Steps for Becoming my more Creative Self

Aug 02, 2023

Hello hello!

It's nice to meet you :) My name is Amaris, and this is the first proper attempt I'm making to run something a little more professionally than my attempts at maintaining an organised writing account on Wattpad or any of the other places I've had any sort of presence on.

If you're new to me as a presence online or in real life, you'll be able to get an idea of who I am as a person further into this post.

If you're an OG from any of my other platforms prior to the opening of this Buy Me A Coffee account, welcome aboard. I'll endeavor to keep up to date with what's going on in my creative endeavors on here at the very least.

To you who happens to be reading this post right now, thank you.

About Amaris

  • Lives in the Central Wheatbelt, Western Australia

  • Is a hobbyist writer, illustrator and gamer

  • Her main writing Genre's are Horror, Psychological Horror and Science Fiction

  • Has many ongoing projects and so little time to work on them all

  • Enjoys Autumn/Fall, coffee and a good dark book to read.

  • Has gone by a few different handles over the years; Loki-Roki, SmittenNightmares, SnappyCockatiel and SpectreAmaris are the main handles.

Where else does Amaris Lurk?

SnappyCockatiel on Wattpad

LokiRoki on Archive Of Our Own

SpectreAmaris on Steam

MelonFoxJozei on DeviantART

There are other locations I am part of, other places I have a login and such, but they aren't exactly pertinent to my online activities. My DeviantART account is inactive (has been for a number of years) but it's a portfolio of my digital work in a sense, so I keep it. I will get back into the Art soon, though.

In the past I've lurked on, Quizilla back when it was still around, and I used to lurk on a few niche forum boards that don't exist anymore.

What Fanfiction Projects is Amaris currently working on?

Most prominently there are three known projects that I'm attempting to complete as of this moment.

  • Marionette

    This is an extremely long project I've been working on, and it's in the last 5-10 chapters before that Trilogy is completed. Upon it's completion it will be imported across to Archive Of Our Own as part of the eventual platform move. It's completed form will be left for reading on the Wattpad platform with any additional content added at a later date only available on Archive Of Our Own. To save on the enormous task of navigating nearly 200 chapters in one cover, I'll be splitting the book up into it's three named arc books.

  • Auriel's Ascension

    This was a minor project I began during my year-long absence from Wattpad following the devastating loss of my former laptop (which contained years of manuscript data that I hadn't had a chance to back up at that point). It's intent was to help get me back into writing. I will be continuing this one on a very slow basis depending on how long it takes for me to finish Marionette.

  • The Fear Of Blood

    This is an extremely old project, and ultimately the one that got me into writing fiction to begin with. It's an old story that currently resides on my account that I'll be porting straight over to Archive Of Our Own when I have a whole afternoon to devote to it. It is in a very similar state to Marionette; 74 chapters written, 10 remaining to be completed at the very most, and it wound up on Hiatus. This one is more of a wish to complete than actually having a group of people interested in reading it completed. And just like Marionette, it will be cleaned up and organised better on Archive Of Our Own (however, the account will actually be closed down).

In regards to Carnivore, Opal Wings and any other in-progress fic I have uploaded on the various pages, they will be imported onto Archive Of Our Own just like Marionette and The Fear Of Blood, however they will be marked as "Extended Hiatus". As those who've been present on my Wattpad Account are familiar with due to status updates I've posted, I can't guarantee I'll be able to continue or even finish them at this point and my priorities at present have to go on the larger projects that are so very close to completion (This being Marionette, primarily).

If I have time to continue them among the other things going on in my life at the moment, then that's a good bonus at this point. It's not as if I don't have the intention to complete them, a lot of the work I'd been making on these titles was lost when my laptop decided to self-destruct on me, so rewriting all that lost work isn't something that's in my focus right now.

What Other Projects is Amaris Working on?

Without going into great detail or spoiling anything important, there are three other projects that are ongoing in my creative world that take up an awful lot of my conscious energy outside of work right now. These things delve into two very different fields, both of which require for me to learn a whole new skill-set than my self-taught writing escapades thus far.

What I can share with you thus far is the rough idea of what it is I'm working on, and why it's taking me such a very long time to really show anything for it.

  • The first of the three projects is an entirely original fiction, part of a seven-book set that I intend to get published officially. This is a core universe I've been building since I was in High School, it's been rewritten and reworked dozens of times in the 17 years since I'd begun the slow progress of learning to write fiction for enjoyment rather than curriculum demands of High School.

    Marionette began in large as a means to wrangle with certain character arch-types in preparation for writing more than character profiles and universal laws and such for this heptalogy. This project of course is still being worked on at this point, but it's being finalised soon and the hard work writing it will begin.

    There is currently no ETA for this project's completion, as this is an extremely taxing project that will take a very long time to finalise. However when the first of the seven books are ready to be sent off to publishers, I will update you all on its progress. For those who are in the know (and may have already sampled a taste of the first book when I was chasing feedback on Wattpad), it's title is Anima Fields; The Malachite Scales.

  • The second is a project that runs as a mix between the two fields I'm learning. This one is a self-contained story that I will be uploading onto Inkitt when it's ready for upload. It will contain a mix of two mediums; Illustrations that I'll have made myself as Chapter Headers, and the core chapter information. This project goes by the Title "The Silence of Thana Grove". Much like Anima Fields, certain people might have already sampled a piece of this project on Wattpad.

    ETA for this project is 2025, but I'm hoping that I will be able to complete it much sooner.

  • And finally, the third of the Projects is the most involved in terms of learning whole new skillsets. This project involves learning both programming and Music Composition on top of illustration and writing. It doesn't have a finalised title, but it's working title is "False Idols". Without going into too much detail (as this is a very new project, and one I hope to actually make a name for myself with upon it's release in a professional sense), this is an Interactive Novel I'm learning to build from the ground up all on my own. It is a dark-fantasy style story with a lot of my usual writing style mixed in, but it's also a very large leap away from my sci-fi familiarity.

    This project in particular hasn't been shared on any of my platforms outside of right here, and it's the newest of my projects. It's ETA is looking to be 2028 but again, I'm hoping between all of my ongoing projects I'll be able to complete it faster. I will share updates when I hit a large milestone.

For now, I thank you for taking the time to read this update all the way to the end. I'll try to post another update in the next month or so.

All the best, and much love,

Amaris <3

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