Hello! I’m a self-taught artist inspired by wild places and animals. Thanks for your support!
Welcome to my BMC page! My name is Alyse, I’m a self-taught artist doing my best to make a living off my art. I am also a rock climber, and my art is inspired by the beautiful wild places and animals I’ve seen. My preferred medium is ink and watercolor. You can visit my website, amilliontinylines.com to purchase my art, and you can follow my art and adventures on Instagram and Facebook via @amilliontinylines. Thank you so much for your support, it truly means the world to me!Recent supporters

Dawn Clark bought 5 coffees.
I love your art and your adventures!!!! I am seeing the world through your eyes. Thank you for that !!!!
I met you in Lander, Wyoming and bought one of your prints. I also got the sticker " The Giver" and for the life of me..can not find it.
I love the picture. The original has been sold...and I see it is on Last Call. I want this so bad in my living room. Thank YOU for your amazing talent !!!!

lisachauncey@hotmail.com bought a coffee.
Hello Alyse,
Finding your art (Jane) was just what I needed tonight. Your talent is incredible, and your subject matter makes it even more beautiful.
I am intrigued by your Women in Science project and intend to share your posts with many friends. What a gift to our younger generations, I would love to see your work on it continue.
I will support you as I am able.
What a beautiful place your mind must be. Onward!
All my best,

Laura Sutton bought 3 coffees.